P. 216

Educational Management

                   Notes          2.  Continuing Education for Women : It is for the benefit of women to cover a wide spectrum
                                     such as home science courses, nutrition, health and hygiene and child welfare, economic
                                     development and courses in contemporary social cultural awareness.
                                  3.  Workers Education : In this, workers may be of two categories : (i) Illiterate and semi-literate
                                     workers, including unskilled and semi-skilled workers like masons, carpenters, barbers, bus
                                     and taxi drivers, transport workers, paramedical staff, class-iv employees etc. (ii) Literate workers,
                                     including teachers of all categories, ministerial staff in offices, officers of all categories, and
                                     skilled technicians and administrators. They need regular staff development courses to enhance
                                     their skill and efficiency in their day to day work.
                                  4.  Continuing Education for School Dropouts and Unemployed Youth :
                                  5.  Programme for Slum Dwellers and Migrant Workers : The migrant workers and slum dwellers
                                     constitute the bulk of the weaker section of the society. These sections live in miserable conditions.
                                     To this section, besides basic literacy and numeracy, awareness regarding health and hygiene,
                                     labour laws, the environment, economic opportunities, social development benefits, etc. will be
                                     extremely critical.
                                  6.  Social Development Education for all Citizens : The complexity of modern urban life requires
                                     of each individual a large number of roles and skills as parents, members of a neihbourhood,
                                     residents of a city, citizens of a nation and the world, and above all as integral parts of the
                                     ecological system. Programmes for children’s education, area development, environmental
                                     education, legal literacy, national integration and global brotherhood, etc., may be organised.
                                     For this purpose the following areas are adopted in the Ninth Plan :

                                    (1) training of personnel in each university and its colleges in the methodology of continuing
                                        education programmes with a view to their acquiring knowledge and skills.
                                    (2) preparation of a handbook on Continuing Education
                                    (3) development of a course bank stating titles of courses, courses, course content, management
                                        strategy, instructional methodology and feedback mechanisms
                                    (4) setting up of a monitoring mechanism to monitor the growth of continuing education as
                                        related to area development and national development needs
                                    (5) developing learning materials (print and audio-visual)

                                    (6) Institution of teachers’ fellowships to enable teachers to devote their time to the development
                                        and management of continuing education programmes
                                    (7) encouragement to research in the area of Continuing Education
                                    (8) setting up of institution based and community based evaluation studies in this area
                                    (9) development of a series of films

                                  Self Assessment
                                  1. Fill in the blanks :
                                     (i) The educational programmes introduced for weaker and deprived sections are called ______
                                        educational programmes.
                                    (ii) ______ gives the special provision for the scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes.

                                    (iii) ______ is the provision of learning situation to enable nature men and women to enlarge
                                        and interpret their own experience.
                                    (iv) Parents in rural areas and backward communities tend not to send the girls to ______.

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