P. 33
Unit 2: Measurement and Evaluation : Concept, Need, Scope, Difference and Relevance
“The emphasis in measurement is upon single aspect of subject matter achievement or specific Notes
skills and abilities, but...the emphasis in evaluation is upon broad personality changes and major
objectives of an educational programme. These include not only subject matter achievement but
also attitudes, interests, ideals, ways of thinking, work-habits and personal and social adaptability,
e.g. by testing a child in mathematics we may measure his mathematical ability and nothing else.
We may not have any idea about the interests, abilities etc., of the child in mathematics by
administering this single test.”
Measurement Evaluation
1. Measurement does not express any clear 1. Clear assumption about a student can be
assumption about a student. formed on the basis of evaluation.
2. Measurement does not require much 2. Evaluation requires more energy and time.
energy and time.
3. The scope of measurement is limited, 3. The scope of evaluation is wide, in it, the
only some dimensions of personality entire personality of a student is tested.
can be tested under measurement.
4. Measurement is content-oriented. 4. Evaluation is objective-oriented.
5. Measurement is a means, and not an 5. Evaluation is an end in itself.
end in itself.
6. The purpose of measurement is to 6. Evaluation is to deduce inferences from
gather evidences. evidences, that is, its work is appraisement
of evidences.
7. Measurement may not be an essential 7. Evaluation is the integrated or necessary part
part of education. of education.
8. Measurement answers the question ’how 8. Evaluation answers the question ‘what value’.
much’, such that Sunanda has scored 56 Sunanda has scored 50% marks in
marks in mathematics. This is mathematics and passed second division in
measurement. the class, this is evaluation.
9. Prediction cannot be made meaningfully 9. Evaluation can predict meaningfully.
on the basis of measurement.
10. Measurement acquaints with a situation. 10. Evaluation acquaints about the entire
This is isolated from the entire situation.
11. Measurement indicates those 11. Evaluation comprises of both quantitative
observations which are displayed and qualitative observations.
12. Measurement can be conducted at any 12. Evaluation is a continuous process.
2.10 Relevance between Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement and Evaluation both are used for assess the internal qualities. I.Q. aptitude, attitude
and intelligence of students.
The main purposes of measurement and evaluation are:-
• Placement of student which involves bringing students appropriately in the learning sequence
and classification or streaming of students according to ability or subjects.
• Selecting the students for courses- general, professional, technical, commercial etc.
• Certification: This helps to certify that a student has achieved a particular level of performance.