P. 310

Real Analysis

                    Notes          Next, we prove it is always possible to have a disjoint collection. Since {I }   is a  countable
                                                                                                x xV
                                   collection, we can enumerate the open intervals as I  = (a , b  ), I  = (a ,b ),.... For each n  ,
                                                                             1    1  1  2   2  2
                                                             = inf{ x   : x  a  and (x, b )  V}
                                                             n              n       n
                                                              = sup{ x   : x  b  and (a , x)  V}.
                                                             n               n     n
                                   Then { ( , ) }   is a disjoint collection of open intervals with union V.
                                          n    n
                                   Theorem 1 (Lindelof’s Theorem): Let C be a collection  of open  subsets of  .  Then there is  a
                                   countable sub-collection {O } i i  of C such that

                                                           O  =   O  i
                                                         O C    i 1
                                   Proof: Let U =   o C O. For any x  U there is O  C with x  O. Take an open interval I  with

                                   rational endpoints such that x  I   O. Then U =    I  is a countable union of open intervals.
                                                             x              x U x
                                   Replace I  by the set O  C which contains it, the result follows.
                                   26.2 Lebesgue Outer Measure
                                   As in the Archimedean idea of finding area of a circle (approximated polygons), we define the
                                   Lebesgue outer measure m*: ()  [0, ¥] by
                                                 m*(A) = {  ¥  (I ) : A    I and each I being open interval in  } .
                                                        inf å 
                                                            k 1  k    k 1  k      k
                                     Notes By Lindelof’s Theorem, the countability of the covering is not important here.

                                   Here are some basic properties of Lebesgue outer measure, all of them can be proved easily by
                                   the definition of m*.
                                   (i)  m*(A) = 0 if A is at most countable.

                                   (ii)  m* is monotonic, i.e. m*(A)  m*(B) whenever A  B.
                                   (iii)  m*(A) = inf {m*(O): A  O and O is open}. (Hint: it suffices to prove m*(A)  R.H.S., which
                                       is equivalent to m*(A) +> R.H.S. for any  > 0.)

                                   (iv)  m*(A + x) = m*(A) for all x  . (Translation-invariant)
                                   (v)  m* ( k A )  å ¥ k 1 m* (A ). (Countable subadditivity)
                                   (vi)  If m*(A) = 0, then m*(A  B) = m*(B) and m*(B\A) = m*(B) for all B  R.
                                   (vii) If m*(A B) = 0, then m*(A) = m*(B).

                                     Notes In (v), even if A ’s are disjoint, the equality may not hold.
                                   Theorem 2: For any interval I  R, m*(I) = (I).

                                   Proof: We first assume I = [a, b] is a closed and bounded interval. Consider the countable open
                                   interval cover {(a – , b + )} of I, we have m*(I)  b – a + 2. Since  > 0 is arbitrary, m*(I)  b – a.

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