P. 11

Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry

                    Notes          We shall  postpone until the next  section the  geometric interpretation  of the product of  two
                                   complex  numbers.
                                   The modulus of a complex number z = x + iy is defined to be the non-negative real number
                                    x   y ,   which is, of course,  the length  of the  vector interpretation  of z.  This modulus  is
                                   traditionally denoted |z|, and is sometimes called the length of z.

                                     Notes    |(x,0)| =   x  = |x|, and  so |  |  is an  excellent choice of notation for the
                                   The conjugate  z  of a complex number z = x + iy is defined by  z  = x – iy. Thus, |z|  =  zz .
                                   Geometrically, the conjugate of z is simply the reflection of z in the horizontal axis:

                                                                     Figure  1.2

                                   Observe that if z = x + iy and w = u + iv, then

                                               (z w)  = (x + u) – i(y + v)
                                                     = (x – iy) + (u – iv)

                                                     = z w

                                   In other words, the conjugate of the sum is the sum of the conjugates. It is also true that zw  z w.
                                   If z = x + iy, then x is called the real part of z, and y is called the imaginary part of z. These are
                                   usually denoted Re z and Im z, respectively. Observe then that z +  z  = 2 Rez and z –  z  = 2 Imz.

                                   Now, for any two complex numbers z and w consider
                                             |z + w|  = (z w)(z w) (z w)(z w)        

                                                     = zz (wz   wz) ww
                                                     =|z|  2Re(wz) |w| 2
                                                      |z|  + 2|z||w| + |w|  = (|z| + |w|) 2
                                   In other words,
                                                                |z + w|  |z| + |w|

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