P. 316


                      Notes         denotes the number of concurrences and D (= number of observations - 1) is the number of pairs
                                    of deviation.
                                                                                 F 2C - DI
                                    (i)   The sign of r  is taken to be equal to the sign of  H  D K  .
                                                  2 C D
                                    (ii)  When           is negative, we make it positive for the purpose of taking its square
                                                  D   
                                    root. However, the computed value will have a negative sign.

                                                                          2 C D
                                    (iii)  The sign of r  will be positive when        is positive.
                                                                          D   
                                    (iv)  This method gives same weights to smaller as well as to the larger  deviations.
                                    (v)   This method is suitable only for the study of short term fluctuations because it does not
                                    take into account the changes in magnitudes of the values.

                                           Example 18:
                                    The following table gives the marks obtained by 11 students of a class in micro and macro-
                                    economics papers. Calculate the coefficient of correlation by concurrent deviation method.
                                          Roll No.         :  1    2   3   4    5   6   7    8   9   10  11
                                          Marks in
                                          Micro - economics  :  80  45  55  56  58  60  65  68  70   75  85
                                          Marks in
                                          Macro - economics  :  82  56  50  48  60  62  64  65  70   74  90

                                    Let D and D  denote deviations  from the preceding marks  in micro and macro  economics
                                         1     2
                                                                   Calculation  Table

                                                  Marks in Micro -    Marks in Macro -    Concurr - Disagree -
                                          Roll No.                D                  D
                                                     economics     1    economics      2   ences    ments
                                             1          80                  82
                                             2          45        -         56        -      +
                                             3          55        +         50        -                -
                                             4          56        +         48        -                -
                                             5          58        +         60        +      +
                                             6          60        +         62        +      +
                                             7          65        +         64        +      +
                                             8          68        +         65        +      +
                                             9          70        +         70        +      +
                                            10          75        +         74        +      +
                                            11          85        +         90        +      +
                                                                           Total             8         2

                                    Here C = 8 and the no. of pairs of deviation D = 10.

                                          2 C D    16 10
                                    Now,                  0.6  which is positive,   r   0.6   0.77
                                            D       10
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