P. 92

Methodology of Social Research

                     notes              3.   free from bias: A perfect sample should be free from bias and first suggestion else it cannot
                                             claim to be representative. While selecting sample must be kept in mind that is on interest,
                                             selfishness, ease and will of researcher nor should it have any effects of pre-determination
                                             or carelessness of the researcher.
                                        4.   according to resources: representative sample is that which is in accordance with the
                                             resources available with the researcher. only by keeping in mind the resources, number, type
                                             and selection method of sample must be determined. if sample is not as per the resources,
                                             than there is possibility of bias.
                                        5.   according to aims: A perfect sample is that which is in accordance with the aim of research.
                                             For e.g. if we are studying the financial- social condition of bidi workers of Byawar city, and in
                                             our sample such workers are selected who do not do the job of Bidi making, our sample will
                                             be wasted. Hence, for best sampling it is important that it is based on the aim of research.
                                        6.   Based on General Knowledge and Logic: A best sample is that which is based on general
                                             knowledge and reason. sample should meet the criterion of reason. A perfect sample cannot
                                             be selected only by blindly following the formulae and rules. Along with rules and formulae,
                                             in selection of sample, researcher has to use reason and general knowledge also.
                                        7.   Based on Practical Experiences: for selecting a best sample, we must make use of the
                                             experiences of experienced researchers. If, the field of which we are doing the research,
                                             someone else has also done its research in the past, we should take the benefit of his
                                             experiences. in the same manner, if any research of the same nature has been done then
                                             benefit may be taken from its reports and sample bases.
                                        8.   Independence: All units of the whole should be independent in themselves, i.e. inclusion of
                                             one unit in the sample must not be dependent on the other unit. in other words, every unit of
                                             the whole should get an independent and equal opportunity to be included in the sample.

                                      Procedure of Sample Selection

                                      Procedure of sample selection is also an aspect of perfect sampling. it is a technical process for which
                                      experienced and trained persons are required. for sample selection we have to go through the
                                      following process:
                                      Determination of universe: From which group or field, sample is selected it is called universe. The
                                      first step of taking a sample is – determining the universe. Universe can be of two types—Definite or
                                      Indefinite. In definite universe, number of units, population of village or city and geographical limits
                                      are decided. for e.g. number of students of a university and population and geographical limits of a
                                      village or city are definite. In such universe we can know the units definitely but many times, units
                                      of universe are undetermined. for e.g., those who use Lux soap, numbers of readers of sarita are
                                      indefinite. There is no geographical limit of indefinite universe. The reason of indefiniteness of such
                                      universe is its constant variability. Hence, before selecting the sample, we must determine the universe.
                                      our universe can be any geographical unit, village, city, institution, group or social event.

                                      Bases of Sampling

                                      the question arises that in sampling, how come small numbers of units are considered to be the
                                      representative of the universe. its root bases are listed below:
                                        1.   homogeneity of universe: Apparently we can see much dissimilarity between people and
                                             facts, even, two things made in a factory are not absolutely similar and two twin brothers
                                             are also not similar, still if we think over carefully, we will know that in this diversity

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