P. 218

Unit 9: Methods of Redemption-II

          Illustration 5 (Purchase of Own Debentures at Cum-interest  Quotation by  Sale  of  D.R.F.  Notes
          Purohit Limited furnishes you the following information on 1  January 2005:
               12% Debentures of   100 each                   4,00,000
               Debenture Redemption Fund                      1,50,000
               Debenture Redemption Fund Investment           1,50,000
               (in 8% IDBI Bonds of the face value of   1,80,000)

          Interest on debentures was payable on 30  June and 31  December every year and interest on
          IDBI Bonds was also receivable on the same dates.
          On March 1, 2005, the company purchased for immediate cancellation 480 debentures in the
          open market at   98 each cum-interest. The amount required for this was raised by selling 8%
          IDBI Bonds of the face value of   54,000.

          On 31  December, 2005,   40,000 was appropriated for the Debenture Redemption Fund and on
          the same date, 8% IDBI Bonds were purchased for the amount plus the interest on investments.
          The face value of the 8% IDBI Bonds purchased was   60,000.
          You are required to show the journal entries in the books of the company to record the above
          mentioned transactions.

                                          Journal  Entries
          2005                          Particulars            L.F.
          March 1  12% Debentures Account                      Dr.     48,000
                 Debenture Interest Account                    Dr.       960
                     To Bank Account (480 ×   98)                                 47,040
                     To Profit on Cancellation of Debentures Account               1,920
                 (Being 480 debentures purchased cum-interest at   98 for
                 immediate cancellation).
          March 1  Profit on Cancellation of Debentures Account   Dr.   1,920
                     To debenture redemption fund account                          1,920
                 (Being profit on cancellation of debentures transferred to D.R. fund)
                 Bank Account                                  Dr.     47,040
                     To Debenture Redemption Fund Investment Account              46,320
                     To Interest on D.R. Fund Investment A/c                        720
                 (Being D.R.F. investments sold)
                 Debenture Redemption Fund Investment Account   Dr.     1,320
                     To Debenture Redemption Fund A/c                              1,320
                 (Being transfer of profit on sale of investment)
                 Profit and Loss Account                       Dr.     48,000
                     To Debenture Redemption Fund Account                         48,000
                 (Being profit transferred to debenture redemption fund for redemption
                 of debentures)
          June 30  Debenture Interest Account                  Dr.     21,120
                     To Bank Account                                              21,120
                 (Being payment of interest on 3,520 debentures for 6 months)
                 Bank Account                                  Dr.      5,040
                     To Interest on D.R. Fund Investment Account                   5,040
                 (Being interest received on investment of   1,26,000 @ 8% for
                 6 months)
          Dec. 31  Debenture Interest Account                  Dr.     21,120
                     To Bank Account                                              21,120
                 (Being payment of interest on 3,520 debentures for 6 months)
                 Bank Account                                  Dr.      5,040
                     To Interest on D.R. Fund Investment A/c                       5,040
                                           LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                   211
                 (Being interest received on investment of   1,26,000 @ 8% for
                 6 months)
                 Interest on D.R. Fund Investment Account      Dr.     10,800
                     To D.R. Fund Account                                         10,800
                 (Interest on D.R.F. investment transferred to D.R. Fund account i.e.,
                 720 + 5,040 + 5,040)
                 Profit and Loss Account                       Dr.     40,000
                     To D.R. Fund Account                                         40,000
                 (Being annual profit transferred to D.R. Fund account)
                 Debenture Redemption Fund Investment Account   Dr.    41,800
                     To Bank Account                                              41,800
                 (Being 8% IDBI Bonds purchased with the amount of annual profits
                 and interest i.e., 40,000 + 1,800)
                 Profit and Loss Account                       Dr.     43,200
                     To Debenture Interest Account                                43,200
                 (Being interest on debentures transferred to P/L account i.e.,
                 21,120 + 21,120 + 960)
                 Debenture Redemption Fund Account             Dr.     48,000
                     To General Reserve Account                                   48,000
                 (Being an amount equal to the nominal value of debentures
                 redeemed transferred from D.R. Fund to General Reserve)
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