P. 75

Accounting for Companies-I

                    Notes                            4.  Balance  Sheet  of Seema  Limited as  on.................
                                               Liabilities        Amount            Assets          Amount
                                     Share Capital:                          Fixed assets:
                                     Issued & subscribed:          1,00,00,000   Current Assets:     1,09,75,500
                                     (1,00,000 equity shares of   100 each   10,01,000   Bank Balance   30,000
                                     fully paid up).                   4,500   Miscellaneous

                                     Reserve & Surplus:                     Expenditure:
                                     Share premium                          Expenses on issue of shares
                                     Capital reserved (2,000 + 2,500)
                                                                   1,10,05,500                       1,10,05,500

                                      Task  Over-confident Co. Ltd. issued a prospectus offering 2,00,000 shares of   10 each on
                                     the following terms:
                                     On application                                         Re. 1 per share.
                                     On allotment   3 per share (including premium of   2)
                                     On first call (three months after allotment)             4 per share.
                                     On second call (three months after first call)           4 per share.
                                     Subscriptions were received for 3,17,000 shares on 23rd April and allotment was made on
                                     30th April as under:
                                     Shares allotted

                                     (i)  Allotment in full (two applicants paid in full on allotment in respect of 4,000
                                          shares each.)                       38,000

                                     (ii)  Allotment of two-third of shares applied for 1,60,000
                                     (iii)  Allotment of one-fourth of shares applied for 2,000
                                     Cash amounting to    31,000 (being  application money  received  with applications  for
                                     31,000 shares upon which no allotments were made) was returned to the applicants on 5th
                                     May. The amounts due were received on the due dates with the exception of final call on
                                     100 shares. These shares were forfeited on 15th November and reissued to Varun on the
                                     16th November for payment of   9 per share. The company paid the interest due on calls-
                                     in-advance on 31st October in cash. Show the journal and cash book entries and draw a
                                     balance sheet of the company giving effect to the above transactions.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   True or False:

                                   6.  If a company has a reputation in the market, there is a possibility that shares applied for
                                       would be more than what the company proposes to issue.

                                   7.  In case of difficulty, calculating the amount of arrears on allotment and forfeited amount,
                                       on shares are not allotted  the basis of pro-rata.

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