P. 287

Accounting for Companies – II

                                       Market Value per Share =   ActualRateof Earning  × PaidupCapitalof aShare  × Paid up Capital
                                       of a Share               NormalRate

                                                                                 =   × 100 = `  188.8
                                       Alternatively, if debentures are not included in the effective capital employed:
                                       Total Assets                                            30,00,000
                                       Less: Non-Trading Assets                                 5,00,000
                                       Less: External Liabilities

                                       Debentures                                10,00,000
                                       Other Liabilities                          2,50,000     12,50,000
                                       Effective Capital Employed                              12,50,000
                                       Actual Rate of Earning:

                                       Actual Average Profits after Interest but Before Tax     6,50,000
                                       Less: 50% Income Tax                                     3,25,000
                                       Profit After Tax                                         3,25,000

                                       Actual Rate of Earning =     × 100 = 26%
                                       Market Value per Share =  × 100 = `  260
                                   Illustration 10 (Valuation by Capitalisation of Profits Method)
                                   Two companies, X Ltd. and Y Ltd. are assumed to be exactly similar, to only as to assets, liabilities
                                   and reserves but also as to all other factors, except that the arrangement of the Share Capital
                                   differs. The share capital of X Ltd. is ` 31,50,000 divided into 30,000; 6% Preference Shares of
                                   ` 100 each and 1,500 equity shares of ` 100 each fully paid up. The share capital of Y Ltd. is
                                   ` 31,50,000, divided into 3,000; 6% Preference Shares of ` 100 each and 28,500 Equity Shares of
                                   ` 100 each fully paid up. The equity shares of the companies may be taken to represent a somewhat
                                   speculative industrial risk and the market yield is 8%. The companies’ profits and distributions
                                   Year                                         `
                                   2009                                    3,00,000
                                   2010                                    4,00,000
                                   Estimate the approximate probable price of the equity shares of the companies ignoring all facts
                                   other than mentioned above.

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