P. 201

Unit 9: Capital Budgeting

            Once the utility curve of the decision-making unit is obtained, the expected utility project is  Notes
            measured as follows:
            1.   Define the probability distribution of NPV.
            2.   Calculate the expected utility by using utility function.

            u (NPVi) Pi
            where      u(NPV ) = utility of the ith positive NPV
                            P = Probability of ith possible outcome

                   Example: Let the probability distribution of NPV for a project be as follows:
            NPV             –10,000            0         20,000         30,000

            Probability        0.1            0.3           0.4           0.2
            Let the utility for money for the decision maker be as follows:
                                 Money ( )                              Utility
             – 20,000                                                     0
             – 10,000                                                    0.10
             0                                                           0.35
             + 10,000                                                    0.50
             + 20,000                                                    0.68
             + 30,000                                                    0.85
             + 40,000                                                    0.90
             + 50,000                                                    1.00

            Hence the expected utility of the project is:
                          = 0.10 × 0.1 + 0.35 × 0.3 + 0.68 × 0.4 + 0.85 × 0.2
                          = .01 + 0.105 + 0.272 + 0.17 = 0.557
            Evaluation:  This method is superior to other methods of risk adjustments since it offers an
            approach for incorporating the risk factor consistently. However, the following are the problems:
            1.   It is difficult to obtain the utility functions of an individual i.e., translating the risk attitude
                 of an executive requires patience and ingenuity on the part of the analyst.
            2.   Utility function of the decision-maker may not remain stable over time, since it is dependent
                 on the organization financial position.
            3.   There is no acceptable way of determining the utility function of a group. (Since investment
                 decisions are group decisions)
            Hence, utility theory is not very useful for investment decisions where the cost and benefits are
            spread over long period. It is, however, a potential tool for short-term investment.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
            14.  Business firms using Payback method usually prefer ……………..payback.
            15.  Under Certainty equivalent approach method, risk element is compensated by adjusting
                 cash inflows rather than adjusting the………………...
            16.  A ………………..approach is a pictorial representation in tree form along with branches of
                 the magnitude, probability and inter relationship of all possible outcomes.

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