P. 319
Unit 14: Report Writing
Analysis and interpretations: collected data will be tabulated. Statistical tools if any will Notes
be applied to make analysis and to take decisions.
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:
(a) What was the conclusion drawn from the study?
(b) Based on the study, what recommendation do you make?
6. Bibliography: If portions of your report are based on secondary data, use a bibliography
section to list the publications or sources that you have consulted. The bibliography
should include, title of the book, name of the journal in case of article, volume number,
page number, edition, etc.
7. Appendix: The purpose of an appendix is to provide a place for material which is not
absolutely essential to the body of the report. The appendix will contain copies of data
collection forms called questionnaires, details of the annual report of the company, details
of graphs/charts, photographs, CDs, interviewers' instructions. Following are the items
to be placed in this section.
(a) Data collection forms
(b) Project related paper cuttings
(c) Pictures and diagrams related to project
(d) Any other relevant things.
Caution The date of the submission of the report is to be included in the title page of the
14.5.1 How to Write a Bibliography?
Bibliography, the last section of the report comes after appendices. Appendices contains
questionnaires and other relevant material of the study. The bibliography contains the source of
every reference used and any other relevant work that has been consulted. It imparts an
authenticity regarding the source of data to the reader.
Bibliography are of different types viz., bibliography of works cited; this contains only the
items referred in the text. A selected bibliography lists the items which the author thinks are of
primary interest to the reader. An annotated bibliography gives brief description of each item.
The method of representing bibliography is explained below.
Name of the author, title of the book (underlined), publisher's detail, year of publishing, page
Single Volume Works. Dube, S. C. "India's Changing Villages", Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.,
1958, p. 76.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Warwick, Donald P., "Comparative Research Methods" in Balmer, Martin and Donald Warwick
(eds), 1983, pp. 315-30.