P. 112

Unit 7: Standard Integrated Circuits (ICs)

            One of the earliest gates used in integrated circuits is a special type of RTL gate known as the   Notes
            direct-coupled transistor logic (DCTL) gate. A DCTL gate is one wherein the bases of the transistors
            are connected directly to inputs without any base resistors. Thus, the RTL NOR gate shown in
            Figure 7.1 becomes a DCTL NOR gate if all the base resistors (Rb’s) are eliminated. Without the
            base resistors, DCTL gates are more economical and simpler to fabricate onto integrated circuits
            than RTL gates with base resistors.
            The main drawback of DCTL gates is that they suffer from a phenomenon known as current
            hogging. Ideally, several transistors that are connected in parallel will share the load current
            equally among themselves when they are all brought into saturation. In the real world, however,
            the saturation points of different transistors are attained with different levels of input voltages to
            the base (Vbe). As such, transistors that are in parallel and share the same input voltage (which are
            commonly encountered in DCTL circuits) do not share the load current evenly among themselves.
            In fact, once the transistor with the lowest Vbesat saturates, the other transistors are prevented
            from saturating themselves. This causes the saturated transistor to ‘hog’ the load current, i.e. it
            carries the bulk of the load current whereas those transistors that were prevented from saturating
            carries a minimal portion of it. Current hogging, which prevented DCTL from becoming widely
            used, is largely avoided in RTL circuits simply by retaining the base resistors.

            RTL gates also exhibit limited ‘fan-outs’. The fan-out of a gate is the ability of its output to drive
            several other gates. The more gates it can drive, the higher is its fan-out. The fan-out of a gate
            is limited by the current that its output can supply to the gate inputs connected to it when the
            output is at logic ‘1’, since at this state it must be able to drive the connected input transistors
            into saturation.
            Another weakness of an RTL gate is its poor noise margin. The noise margin of a logic gate for
            logic level ‘0’, Δ0, is defined as the difference between the maximum input voltage that it will
            recognize as a ‘0’ (Vil) and the maximum voltage that may be applied to it as a ‘0’ (Vol of the
            driving gate connected to it).  For logic level ‘1’, the noise margin Δ1 is the difference between
            the minimum input voltage that may be applied to it as a ‘1’ (Voh of the driving gate connected
            to it) and the minimum input voltage that it will recognize as a ‘1’ (Vih). Mathematically,
            Δ0 = Vil-Vol and Δ1 = Voh-Vih. Any noise that causes a noise margin to be overcome will result
            in a ‘0’ being erroneously read as a ‘1’ or vice versa. In other words, noise margin is a measure of
            the immunity of a gate from reading an input logic level incorrectly.
            In an RTL circuit, the collector output of the driving transistor is directly connected to the base
            resistor of the driven transistor. Circuit analysis would easily show that in such an arrangement,
            the differences between Vil and Vol, and between Voh and Vih, are not that large. This is why
            RTL gates are known to have poor noise margins in comparison to DTL and TTL gates.

                          The first microcomputer chip, often called a microprocessor, was developed
                          by Intel Corporation in 1969. It went into commercial production in 1971 as
                          the Intel 4004.

                        Draw schematic diagram of N-input RTL NAND gate.

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