P. 54

Simulation and Modelling

                      Notes         (2)  Add the input volume VIN to the volume left over in the reservoir at the end of the last
                                         month, VOL (m – 1). This gives us the gross volume, GROSSV = VIN + VOL(m – 1).
                                    (3)  On the basis of the last month's volume VOL (m – 1) calculate this month's seepage and
                                         evaporation losses and add them as total loss TLOSS = SEEP + EVAP.
                                    (4)  From the demand curve (stored as a table in the computer memory) determine the demand
                                         of water for the current month DEM.
                                    (5)  If the TLOSS  GROSSY, then the reservoir runs dry without supplying any water and
                                         therefore shortage, SHORT = DEM. The volume of water left at the end  of the current
                                         month VOL (m) = 0. Spillage SPILL = 0 and go co Step 8; else if TLOSS < GROSSY then the
                                         net water volume available to satisfy the demand is YNET = GROSSV – TLOSS.
                                    (6)  If DEM  VNET the reservoir runs dry and the shortage is given by SHORT = DEM – VNET,
                                         and SPILL = 0. Go to Step 8; else if DEM < VNET, then the difference DIFF = VNET – DEM
                                         is the water left over.
                                    (7)  If this leftover water exceeds the capacity CAP of the reservoir there will be a spill over,
                                         i.e., if DIFF > CAP then SPILL = DIFF – CAP and VOL (m) = CAP; else if DIFF  CAP then
                                         SPILL = 0 and VOL (m) = DIFF.
                                    (8)  Print out SPILL and SHORT for this month, and move to the next month. If the period
                                         exceeds the intended simulation length stop, else go to Step I.

                                    The following format-free FORTRAN program implements these steps:
                                          READ, N, VOL, CAP
                                          1Y = 1
                                          M = l
                                          DO 30 IY = 1, N
                                          DO 30 M =1, 12
                                          SPILL = 0
                                          SHORT = 0.
                                          CALL RIVFLO (IY,M,RFLOW)
                                          CALL RA1NF (IY,M,RAIN)
                                          VIN = RFLOW + RAIN
                                          GROSSY = VOL + VIN
                                          CALL SEPEJ (VOL,SEEP)
                                          CALL EVPRSN (M,YOL, EVAP)
                                          TLOSS = SEEP + EVAP
                                          CALL DEMAND (IY,M,DEM)
                                          VNET = GROSSV – TLOSS
                                          IF (VNET .LE. O.) VNET = 0.
                                          DlFF = VNET - DEM
                                          IF (DIFF .GE. O.) GO TO 10
                                          SHORT = –DIFF
                                          VOL = 0.
                                          GO TO 20
                                    10    VOL = DIFF
                                          IF (CAP .GT. DlFF) GO TO 20
                                          SPILL – DIFF – CAP
                                          VOL = CAP

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