P. 55

Unit 3: Simulation of Continuous System (II)

            20    PRINT, FLOW, RAIN, TLOSS, SHORT, SPILL, VOL                                     Notes
            30    CONTINUE


            The foregoing program contains five subroutines requiring data about the riverflow, rainfall
            and the demand as a function of time; the seepage loss as a function of water stored in the
            reservoir; and the evaporation loss as a function of the volume (and hence the exposed surface)
            and the particular month of the year. The long sequence of data for river inflow and the rainfall
            could  either be  obtained from historical records or generated using suitable pseudorandom
            number generators. Similarly we can design the other subroutines, from an intimate knowledge
            of the system. As an example, we will write down the subroutine EVPRSN, for computing the
            evaporation loss.
            Let the unit of measuring the volume be a million cubic meters. Suppose the highest possible
            dam at this site will create a reservoir of capacity 1000 units. Also suppose that we have a curve
            that gives the exposed surface area as a function of volume from 0 to 1000 units. Let the x-axis be
            divided into 100 equispaced ranges; and the data be stored in the form of a table (SURTBL) with
            100 columns giving the surface area at volume 10, 20, ... , 1000 units. The surface area SAREA for
            any intermediate value of VOL can be computed using an appropriate interpolation formula.
            Let us assume that a linear interpolation will suffice. We are also given 12 values for the coefficient
            of evaporation COEF – one for each month of the year. Then the following subroutine will yield
            the evaporation loss.

            REAL SURTBL (100), COEF(12)
            DATA SURTBL /...,  ...,  .../
            DATA COEF /..., ...,  .../
            IVOL = VOL/10.
            RVOL = IVOL
            FRAC = VOL/10. – R VOL
            EVAP = SAREA * COEF (M)
            Note that the third statement requires 100 values and the fourth statement requires 12 values.
            Other subroutines can be written down similarly.
            Output: The output will be a series of monthly shortages and spills.
            The shortages could be combined into total annual shortages. These annual shortages can be
            ranked according to the amount of shortage involved. From this ranked series of shortages for
            each capacity of the reservoir we would determine the acceptable reservoir size.
            In the foregoing model no distinction was made regarding how the  shortage is  distributed
            month-wise within a particular year. For example, the total failure to meet any demand for one
            month  may be more serious than a 10 per  cent shortage for ten consecutive months.  Such
            refinement can be easily incorporated by a procedure of assigning weights to different types of
            failures within a particular year.

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