P. 58

Unit 4: Project Budgeting

            6.   Silos, tanks, wells, chests, basins, cisterns, hoopers, bins, and other structures necessary for  Notes
                 installation of the plant and equipment;
            7.   Garages Sewers, drainage, etc.; and
            8.   Other civil engineering works.

            The cost of the buildings and civil works depends on the kinds of structures required which, in
            turn, are dictated largely by the requirements of the manufacturing process. Once the kinds of
            structures required are specified, cost estimates are based on the plinth area and the rates for
            various types of structures. These rates, of course, vary with the location to some extent.

               Notes  The cost of land varies considerably from one location to another. While it is very
              high in urban and even semi-urban locations, it is relatively low in rural locations.

            Plant and Machinery

            The cost of the plant and machinery, typically the most significant component of the project cost,
            consists of the following:

            Cost of imported machinery:
            This is the sum of (i) FOB (free on board) value, (ii) shipping, freight, and insurance cost,
            (iii) import duty, and (iv) clearing, loading, unloading and transportation charges.

            Cost of indigenous machinery:
            This consists of (i) FOR (free on rail) cost, (ii) sales tax, octroi, and other taxes, if any, and
            (iii) railway freight and transport charges to the site.

            Cost of stores and spares.

            Foundation and Installation Charges

            The cost of the plant and machinery is based on the latest available quotation adjusted for
            possible escalation. Generally, the provision for escalation is equal to the following product:
            (latest rate of annual inflation applicable to the plant and machinery) × (length of the delivery

            Technical Know-how and Engineering Fees

            Often it is necessary to engage technical consultants or collaborators from India and/ or abroad
            for advice and help in various technical matters like preparation of the project report, choice of
            technology, selection of the plant and machinery, detailed engineering, and so on. While the
            amount payable for obtaining the technical know-how and engineering services for setting up
            the project is a component of the project cost, the royalty payable annually, which is typically a
            percentage of sales, is an operating expense taken into account in the preparation of the projected
            profitability statements.

            Expenses on Foreign Technicians and Training of Indian Technicians Abroad

            Services of foreign technicians may be required in India for setting up the project and supervising
            the trial runs. Expenses on their travel, boarding, and lodging along with their salaries and

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