P. 60

Unit 4: Project Budgeting

            Margin Money for Working Capital                                                      Notes

            The principal support for working capital is provided by commercial banks and trade creditors.
            However, a certain part of the working capital requirement has to come from long-term sources
            of finance. Referred to as the ‘margin money for working capital’, this is an important element
            of the project cost.

            The margin money for working capital is sometimes utilised for meeting over runs in capital
            cost. This leads to a working capital problem (and sometimes a crisis) when the project is
            commissioned. To mitigate this problem, financial institutions stipulate that a portion of the
            loan amount, equal to the margin money for working capital, be blocked initially so that it can
            be released when the project is completed.

            Initial Cash Losses

            Most of the projects incur cash losses in the initial years. Yet, promoters typically do not disclose
            the initial cash losses because they want the project to appear attractive to the financial institutions
            and the investing public. Failure to make a provision for such cash losses in the project cost
            generally affects the liquidity position and impairs the operations. Hence prudence calls for
            making a provision, overt or covert, for the estimated initial cash losses.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
            1.   A ....................... for contingencies is made to provide for certain unforeseen expenses and
                 price increases over and above the normal inflation rate which is already incorporated in
                 the cost estimates.
            2.   The principal support for working capital is provided by ....................... banks and trade
            3.   Most of the ....................... incur cash losses in the initial years.
            4.   The ....................... money for working capital is sometimes utilised for meeting over runs
                 in capital cost.
            5.   ....................... expenses are directly related to the project implementation schedule.

            4.2 Means of Finance

            To meet the cost of the project the following means of finance are available:

            1.   Share Capital: There are two types of share capital equity capital and preference capital.
                 Equity capital represents the contribution made by the owners of the business, the equity
                 shareholders, who enjoy the rewards and bear the risks of ownership. Equity capital being
                 risk capital carries no fixed rate of dividend. Preference capital represents the contribution
                 made by preference shareholders and the dividend paid on it is generally fixed.
            2.   Term Loans: Provided by financial institutions and commercial banks, term loans represent
                 secured borrowings which are a very important source (and sometimes, the major source)
                 for financing new projects as well as for the expansion, modernisation, and renovation
                 schemes of existing firms. There are two broad types of term loans available in India:
                 rupee term loans and foreign currency term loans. While the former are given for financing
                 land, building, civil works, indigenous plant and machinery, and so on, the latter are

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