P. 169

Event Management

                    Notes              (iv)  Technical Specifications:
                                            (a)  Specifications (goods) or Scope of Work (services)
                                            (b)  Scope of Activity (projects)
                                            (c)  Project Management

                                            (d)  Deliverables Schedule
                                            (e)  Support, Training, or Maintenance
                                       (v)  Vendor Requirements:
                                            (a)  Mandatory Requirements

                                            (b)  Vendor Organization
                                            (c)  Vendor Qualifications and Experience
                                            (d)  References
                                            (e)  Financials
                                            (f)  Resumes
                                       (vi)  Proposal Response Format

                                       (vii) Cost Proposal
                                       (viii) Method of Evaluation and Award:
                                            (a)  Evaluation Criteria
                                            (b)  Discussions and Best and Final Offer
                                            (c)  Negotiations
                                       (ix)  Attachments
                                   5.  Schedule of Events: A schedule of events is valuable information for potential proposers.
                                       It outlines the expected timetable for the procurement process.
                                   6.  Standard and Special Terms and Conditions: Special Terms and Conditions that are specific
                                       to the individual RFP being issued such as those for janitorial contracts, lease/time
                                       purchases, vehicle leases, price agreements, and/or other miscellaneous terms and
                                       conditions are provided by the Division of Purchasing. Any other special terms and
                                       conditions required by the agency should be supplied to the Division of Purchasing for
                                       inclusion in the RFP, such as unique requirements related to receipt of federal funds or
                                       complying to federal or state regulations.
                                       Agencies should review all terms and conditions to consider whether or not they are
                                       appropriate for the particular RFP. Agencies and Division of Purchasing should take time
                                       to consider the implications of using the standard language in each transaction. Agencies
                                       are admonished to work with Purchasing and their assigned legal counsel if they feel that
                                       the Standard Contract Terms and Conditions are not appropriate for the particular RFP.
                                   7.  General Information:
                                       (i)  Definitions: List any terms or definitions that are specific to the RFP that may not be
                                            clear to all offerors. Special attention should be given to information technology
                                            terms that may not be clear to all offerors.

                                       (ii)  Purpose or Intent: A statement of intent or purpose relating to the general type of
                                            service or goods required, the location(s), and any requirement for specialized
                                            personnel, equipment or tools. This information should be sufficient enough for

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