P. 174
Unit 7: Planning for Events and Event Proposal
2. Main Topic Notes
2.1 Sub Topic
2.1.1 Detail
Add page numbers to facilitate quick reference for yourself and vendors. Make sure any
internal references to any page number are correct and stay aligned during pagination
and you revise the document.
15. Helpful Hits: Here are some helpful hints based on tears of experience and embarrassing errors:
(i) Use caution with spell check. Don’t be a victim of “Wrong word, spelled correctly.”
(ii) Have someone else proofread the final document.
(iii) Beware of the “search and replace” monster.
(iv) Time is your friend, speed is your enemy. Take time to do it right.
(v) Save often.
(vi) When making corrections, amendments, and addendums to an RFP, be sure to correct
the original document in your file.
(vii) Think like a vendor. Imagine you are trying to respond to the RFP. Is it presented in
a clear and legible manner?
16. Checklist: A checklist is helpful tool for compiling information for your RFP. Attached is
a sample based on this “model” RFP format.
RFP Checklist
(i) Cover Letter
(ii) Signature Page
(iii) Title Page
(iv) Table of Contents
(v) Schedule of Events
(vi) Standard Terms and Conditions
(vii) Special Terms and Conditions
(viii) General Information:
(a) Definitions
(b) Purpose or Intent
(c) Background
(d) Method of Payment
(e) Contract Term
(f) Presentations or Demonstrations
(g) Pre-Proposal Conference
(ix) Technical Specifications:
(a) Specifications (Goods)
(b) Scope of Work (Services)
(c) Scope of Activity
(d) Project Management
(e) Deliverables/Measurable Standards Schedule