P. 176

Unit 7: Planning for Events and Event Proposal

          7.6.3 Actual Proposal                                                                 Notes

          An actual proposal consists of the following parts:
          1.   Problem Statement
          2.   Rationale or Justification for implementing the Project/event

          3.   Project Goal & Objectives
          4.   Strategy & Activities
          5.   Results: Outputs and Outcomes
          6.   Budget
          This basic format of a proposal has expanded covering many concepts and issues, confronting
          project funding and project implementation.

          7.6.4 Event Proposal Guide

          Here is a Step-by-Step Event Proposal Guide for a Student-Organized Event:
          1.   Please check the event calendar to see if there is an event on the date that you wish to hold
               an event. Any potential conflicts may not be approved. Conflicts may include:
               Conflict with another club’s event, or group of clubs’ events.
          2.   Please fill out the Event Proposal Form to the best of your ability. Remember the form is
               very much like an Executive Summary. A more complete proposal must be attached to the
               Event Proposal Form. Your proposal should include at the very least:
               (i)  Number of participants
               (ii)  What kind of event is it? (Conference, speaker panel, etc…)
               (iii)  Where you wish to hold the event (campus, off-campus, etc…)
               (iv)  Budget and projected costs for the event

               (v)  How is the event going to be paid for? (by club funds, sponsorship)
               (vi)  Potential sponsors
               (vii) The time length of the event

               (viii) Address all stakeholders (if there is alcohol how will you mitigate the risk of underage
                    drinkers, drunk drivers – this is especially important with joint clubs!)
               (ix)  Format of the event

               (x)  Identify all speakers if any
               (xi)  How will this event benefit the students?
               (xii) Will you need A/V equipment, use of the projector?
               (xiii) Will you require catering?
          3.   Submit the Event Proposal Package to the event president: The President will then specify
               whether or not you need Event Staff approval. The President will indicate on the Event
               Proposal Form who will need to approve the event before a space can be booked.
          4.   After the proposal has been approved the President will contact the Initiator of the event
               to take the form to potentially the different key persons.

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