P. 228

Unit 10: Leadership

            Market research will help you determine the target or primary market as well as the  Notes
            secondary and tertiary markets for your event. Market research will also enable you to
            study the service levels expected by guests as well as the perceptions by internal
            stakeholders of the services currently being delivered. By studying the market in depth,
            you are able to spot emerging trends, develop new service delivery systems, and solve
            minor problems before they become major catastrophes.
          One example of this is the Event Leader who discovered through research that attendees could
          not register for the upcoming convention during normal business hours due to workplace
          regulations. Therefore, she invested in an answering service for six months prior to the meeting
          to accept registrations between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 AM. This new service was a major
          success, and registrations for the conference increased markedly.

          Quantitative   versus   Qualitative   Research

          Quantitative Pre-Event Research

          Event Leaders primarily use quantitative research to determine demographic information such
          as gender, age, income, and other pertinent facts about the future market for an event. This
          research is relatively inexpensive to conduct and easy to tabulate and analyze with computers.
          Figure 10.2 provides a model of a typical quantitative pre-event research survey.

                             Figure 10.2: Quantitative Pre-Event Survey Model
             This survey will enable the organizers of XYZ event to determine the feasibility of producing the
             following event. Your participation is important in this effort. Answer all questions by checking the
             appropriate box. Return this survey by January 1, 2008.
             1.  Gender?    Male       Female
            2.   Age?      Under 25    26–34       35–44       45–60      61 and over
            3.   Income?    Under $24,999          $25,000–44,999         Over $45,000
            4.   If the event were held during the summer I would: (Likert scale)
                   Not attend            Maybe attend   No opinion
                   Probably attend       Positively attend
            5.   If the event were held during the fall I would: (semantic differential scale)
                 Not Attend    1    2     3     4     5 Positively attend
            6.   If you checked number 1 above, please describe your reasons for nonattendance in the space
                 below: (open-ended question)
            Return this survey by January 1, 2008 to:
            Dr. Joe Goldblatt, CSEP
            Temple University
            1700 North Broad Street, Suite 412D
            Philadelphia, PA 19122
            or fax to 215-204-9015
            To receive a free copy of the survey results, please include your business card or e-mail.

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