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Event Management

                                                          Figure 10.1: Event Leadership Process

                                   10.2.1 Research
                                   Research: Excellent event research reduces risk. The better research you conduct prior to the
                                   event, the more likely you are to produce an event that matches the planned outcomes of the
                                   organizers or stakeholders. For many years, public relations professionals and other marketing
                                   experts have realized the value of using research to pinpoint the needs, wants, desires, and
                                   expectations of prospective customers. Government leaders regularly conduct feasibility studies
                                   prior to authorizing capital investments. These feasibility studies include exhaustive research.
                                   An event is a product that is placed before members of the public with the reasonable expectation
                                   that they will attend. Therefore, it is imperative that you conduct careful and accurate consumer
                                   research to reduce the risk of non attendance.
                                   The three types of research that are used for pre-event research are:
                                   1.  quantitative,
                                   2.  qualitative, or
                                   3.  a combination or hybrid of both.
                                   Matching the research type to the event is important and is determined by the goals of the
                                   research, the time allowed for conducting the research, and the funds available.

                                     Notes  Market Research Techniques
                                     Before bringing a new product or service to market, the inventor or manufacturer will conduct
                                     market research to determine the needs, wants, desires, and expectations of the target market.
                                     Whether your event is a new or a pre-existing product, market research is required to determine
                                     how to obtain the very best position in a sometimes crowded marketplace. Typically, qualitative
                                     and, in most cases, focus group research is used for this purpose.

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