P. 267

Event Management

                    Notes          Instead they proceed to trample on your helpless body to save their own lives. You begin to
                                   panic. Then you come to the realization that the area has succumbed to pandemonium. You are
                                   presently meaningless in the current environment.
                                   Panic is a problematic issue pertaining to crowds and can be extremely disruptive. When one is
                                   faced with the situation of a crowd out of control, it is important to be aware of the potential
                                   risks involved with crowds. Also, a strong background in crowd management issues is essential
                                   to understand the logistics of large gatherings.

                                   12.2.1 Causes of Panic

                                   The first step in preventing crowd panic is to be aware of the causes. Some of the main triggers
                                   Fire - Fire can be deadly and if the necessary escape procedures are ambiguous and/or not easy
                                   to follow, panic is inevitable.
                                   Emotional Instability - A simple fight that becomes uncontrollable could cause insecurity within a
                                   specific area in the environment.

                                   Fear - Fear of endangerment or harm can arise from emotions related to panic and may lead to
                                   deadly consequences.
                                   Anger/violence - Violence is foreseeable when feelings of anger or rage take over a crowd.

                                   Spatial limitations - In an attempt to escape a dangerous situation, there must be an allotted
                                   amount of space for every person to egress the facility safely. Otherwise, people could be
                                   trampled or may suffer from suffocation.
                                   Demographics - Specific locations or groups of people cause crisis events. The nature of the event
                                   creates an environment for possible disruptive behaviors. Such as demonstrations  that by
                                   nature of the emotional environment can develop into situations.

                                   12.2.2 Environmental Impact

                                   Panic becomes uncontrollable due to environmental factors. Location of public events is vital,
                                   and all aspects pertaining to the environment must be carefully analyzed. Most importantly the
                                   setting is to be safe. People are to feel comfortable as "a comfortable crowd is a happy crowd and
                                   a happy crowd is often a safer crowd". Creating a secure heaven when they are on the site avoids
                                   negative feelings and disorderly behavior.

                                   Layout is another important factor. Facility design is critical in crowd management. The key is
                                   a proper access route into and out of the complex to prevent accidents and crowd panic. One step
                                   in planning ahead is ensuring the circulation system's primary goal is to save lives. Every
                                   possible route or exit out of the building must be adequately dimensioned so that everyone can
                                   egress the building safely.
                                   Structural composition is another environmental impact of panic. Each facility has a limit on the
                                   number of people who can fit inside at one time. If the maximum capacity is exceeded there is a
                                   greater risk of crowd danger, because the architectural implementation was not designed for
                                   additional weight of overcrowding. Also, the size of the building should accommodate the
                                   estimated number of people occupying the allotted space who will attend its anticipated events.
                                   People may feel keen about joining a crowd for security. When someone is part of a crowd their
                                   own morals and belief system may shut down because they focus their thoughts on energy on
                                   the leader of the group. Individuals may join a crowd for excitement or in search of an adventure.
                                   People tend to forget they are individuals and believe they are immune to consequences when

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