P. 275
Event Management
Notes 13.1.1 Purpose
Monitoring is used to oversee progress of products, outputs, and outcomes. Reporting advises
the correct people at the correct time of positive and negative events, allowing for progression
or remedial action as appropriate. Controls then assist with both monitoring and reporting by
provision of required review points such as End Stage Assessments.
The Monitoring and Controlling process group helps to track the event progress with the
purpose of ensuring event is on track to meet the event objectives, identify issues and problems,
find resolutions to sort out the identified issues and issues, tracks event schedule, status, cost.
The Monitoring and Controlling process group is where event performance measurements are
taken, analyzed and determine the event progress is align with the event plan. This will assist to
identify the issues and problems and take corrective actions to meet the event objectives. While
taking corrective actions.
13.1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the Monitoring and Controlling the event domain are as follows:
1. Measure event Performance.
2. Verify and Manage Changes to the event
3. Ensure event deliverables conform to quality standards
4. Monitor all Risks
13.1.3 Other Monitoring Informations
Assess the risks (risk analysis: for the meeting, for individuals).
Monitor the risk position (ongoing).
Identify sources of information on threats and risks e.g. police, security services, websites,
Take appropriate measures for damage prevention and for reducing the possibility of
Undertake crisis management measures.
Take responsibility for:
Identifying the responsible parties
Identifying and appointing responsible representatives from each party and briefing
all staff who will work on site at the event.
Draw up measures and processes.
Listing all rules to cover emergency situations.
Prepare an information flow:
Create an action plan about who does what, and to whom to report in case of an emergency
situation, looking at:
Other organizations who need to be included.
Evacuation system check.