P. 277

Event Management

                    Notes          13.2.2  Event Management Checklist

                                   1.  Event Details: Event Place and Time, Event Purpose, Event Manager, Target Audience.
                                   2.  Committees Organizing Committee
                                   3.  Documentation Checklist
                                   4.  Insurance Details
                                   5.  Interim Agreements Interim Agreements Table
                                   6.  Key Stakeholders Key Stakeholder Contact List Consultation with Key Stakeholders
                                   7.  The Venue Potential Hazards Site Plan
                                   8.  Event Coordination/Management Communication Systems Information Details
                                   9.  Event Promotion Media Other Signage
                                   10.  Traffic Management Patron Access Contingency Plan
                                   11.  Emergency Management Plan Coordination Centre/Contact Emergency Medical Plan
                                   12.  Security: Type of security/Security Plan Briefing to Staff
                                   13.   First Aid Access to Equipment Trained Staff
                                   14.  Catering List of Requirements Briefing with Staff
                                   15.  Infrastructure Toilets Shelter Video/AV Telephones
                                   16.  Public Safety Lighting and Power Temporary Structures Entry and Exit Details
                                   17.  Occupational Health and Safety
                                   These checklists can be used for evaluation purpose, on what went right and what went wrong
                                   during the course of the whole event and while winding it up.

                                     Caution  Various stages of an event should be thoroughly understood and maintained;
                                     they should not be intermixed

                                     Notes  Return on Event
                                     The term Return On Event or (ROE) was coined to identify the percentage of earnings
                                     returned to an event organization sponsoring the event based on marketing efforts. The
                                     ROE is an important concept for all event marketers, regardless of event size. For example,
                                     if you are marketing a small event for 100 persons and you increase attendance by 25
                                     percent due to your new e-marketing strategies, you may in fact not only have saved a
                                     significant amount of money but also generated a sizable net profit that may be directly
                                     attributable to this marketing activity.

                                     By using income statement, we measure the increase in return on marketing and see how
                                     the marketing function performed as part of the overall financial analysis. To monitor,
                                     track, and measure each separate marketing functions you need to use a variety of simple
                                     but effective systems.

                                     Did u know? The income statement shows a significant increase in total revenues in years
                                     as well as a slight increase in net income.

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