P. 36
Unit 1: An Introduction to Event Management
Physiological Needs Notes
The need to have food, water, warmth, shelter and other things necessary for survival.
Your team members will not feel anything, if these needs are met but can cause them discomfort,
sickness and pain if these needs are not full filled. So as an event manager it is your job to make
sure that all the physiological needs of your team are met from time to time. Just imagine how
a team member who hasn’t eaten anything all day will perform his duty in the evening and you
will get my point.
Safety Needs
It includes need to be safe from physical and psychological harm. It also includes job security
and financial security.
As an event manger you have to ensure safety of your team especially women. A person can’t
give his best in an unsafe environment.
To protect your team from psychological harm, make sure there are no internal conflicts (like
ego clashes, altercations, conflict of interest etc) among team members. If there are conflicts,
then resolve them judiciously.
Providing job security to your team is also very important. At no point any team member
should feel that his job is under threat either by your actions or by someone else actions.
Take care of your team beyond the work place. If any team member is facing a financial problem,
then help him as much as you can.
Social Needs
It is the need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Need to love and be loved by friends,
intimate partner, family and social groups like your team.
To fulfil this need, there must be cordial relationship between you and the team and among the
team members. A team member will not perform his best if he has considerable family problems.
Try whatever you can to reduce his family problems. If you can’t do much at least accept his
problems and empathize with him. Try to reduce his stress by giving him a day off or engaging
him in the sport he likes the most. Ask you team members to be as supportive to him as possible.
All this will help.
People who have strong social needs should not be placed in a job where they have minimum
interaction with people. They are the best for marketing or PR type jobs.
Esteem Needs
It is the need to get respect, recognition, fame and status.
Some people have stronger esteem needs than the other. You will have to identify those team
members who have strong esteem needs and then find ways to fulfil those needs. For e.g. if a
person is working very hard to get recognition among the team members and you are not
giving him the recognition he deserves (by openly praising him or giving him promotion) then
sooner or later his motivation level will go down and he will not give optimum results or worst
will not perform and quit.