P. 319

Management Practices and Organisational Behaviour

                    Notes              technology. Those  who are able to reduce uncertainty have power in the organisation.
                                       Basic ways of reducing uncertainty are:
                                       (a)  Resource Control: Groups or individuals  gain resource control  when they acquire
                                            hard-to-get resources and maintain access to them. In these cases, groups that have
                                            resource control can reduce uncertainty for other groups by providing access to the
                                            necessary resources.
                                       (b)  Information Control: The organisation members who can provide needed information
                                            have power because they can reduce uncertainty for others. Changes in technology
                                            and organisational structures are intensifying the importance of information power.
                                            Hence a  person's power  may  be  more  closely  related to  his or  her ability  and
                                            willingness to share information with those who can apply it toward maintaining a
                                            competitive advantage.
                                       (c)  Decision-making Control: The groups and individuals who make decisions about the
                                            use of resources also have relatively great power. Logically, the decision makers
                                            can reduce uncertainty by making and communicating decisions affecting others in
                                            the organisation. Those who gain the power from decision-making control are the
                                            ones  who make decisions  about basic policies and  practices such  as, what the
                                            organisation will produce and who its target market will be.

                                   2.  Substitutability: The power of an individual or group is inversely related to the person's
                                       or group's substitutability. People are powerful because they cannot easily be replaced. In
                                       other words, organisations cannot find a substitute for their skills or knowledge. Being a
                                       hard-to-replace employee is not always advantageous. If a manager views an employee as
                                       indispensable for a particular job, that employee may miss opportunities for promotion
                                       or career development. And if the employee becomes associated with a particular job or
                                       way of doing things, changes in the organisation can render him or her highly dispensable.
                                   3.  Centrality: Central groups are those that have many connections with other groups and a
                                       large effect on work flow. Thus, groups and individuals in a central position are generally
                                       more powerful than those at the periphery. These people have command of key information
                                       and other resources, and others in the organisation are likely to be aware of what they
                                       control and how they affect the organisation.

                                   15.2 Consequence of using Power

                                   When people use power, they become addicted to power or use power to empower others.

                                   1.  Addictiveness of Power: An addiction to power is harmful for the organisation. Managers
                                       who are addicted to power are likely to be arrogant and out of touch with their employees.
                                       They use coercive power tactics that alienate the people they try to influence. In the long
                                       run, such a manager suffers because his  or her  tactics damage  morale, interfere with
                                       cooperation and can even incite rebellion. The Figure 15.2 below shows the steps towards
                                       addiction of power.

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