P. 169

Performance Management System

                    Notes          4.   Customer Perspective: The recent days the organisations have realised the importance of
                                       customers in business success. The organisational have realised that if customers are not
                                       satisfied, they will eventually find other organisations that will meet their needs.

                                   14.2   Future Role of HR Professionals in Performance Management in
                                       Knowledge Millennium

                                   Some of the key future role of HR professionals is discussed as below:
                                   1.  Strategic Partner: In today’s organizations, to guarantee their viability and ability to
                                       contribute, HR managers need to think of themselves as strategic partners. In this role, the
                                       HR person contributes to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-
                                       wide business plan and objectives.
                                       The HR business objectives are established to support the attainment of the overall strategic
                                       business plan and objectives. The tactical HR representative is deeply knowledgeable
                                       about the design of work systems in which people succeed and contribute. This strategic
                                       partnership impacts HR services such as the design of work positions; hiring; reward,
                                       recognition and strategic pay; performance development and appraisal systems; career and
                                       succession planning; and employee development. HR professionals as a strategic business
                                       partner will be required to perform the following functions:
                                       (a)   HR professionals will be required to craft and execute corporate strategy which
                                            results in inimitable results, actions, and behaviour of human resources of the
                                       (b)   The HR professional will have to play a pivotal role in the identification of performance

                                            gaps, benchmarking, and enabling a higher level of individual performance so that
                                            the synergistic effect can be obtained.
                                       (c)   He shall be entrusted with the job of taking stock of performance-related issues and
                                            problems on a proactive basis,
                                       (d)   He shall assist managers and top management in boosting overall organizational
                                            performance through human resources by creating appropriate performance-
                                            oriented work culture, devising innovative reward and compensation systems,
                                            managing talent pools, developing competencies and managing appropriate ethical
                                            behaviour in the organization.
                                   2.   Making Effective Forecasts: In this global business scenario, only those organisations are
                                       successful which are making effective forecasts and taking appropriate steps to take the
                                       maximum advantages. This is possible only when the employees of the organization are
                                       capable, competent, motivated, and committed, and deliver excellent performance on a
                                       continuous basis.
                                       Performance problems are likely to occur in such a scenario. Now, there are two ways
                                       open to HR professionals-either wait for the inevitable performance problem to occur, or
                                       pre-empt performance problems by sniffing around. Given that results have to be correct

                                       the first time, only pre-empting the performance problem is open to HR professionals of the
                                       future, as the old proverb goes ‘prevention is better than cure’. Therefore, by pre-empting
                                       performance problems, HR professionals can save organizations a lot of cost in terms of
                                       failed efforts, lost opportunities, counselling time and efforts, etc.
                                   3.   Acting as ‘Performance Counsellor’: Performance counselling is a manager initiated strategy
                                       for improving an employee’s performance. Performance counselling is a supportive process

                                       conducted by a manager to enable an employee to define and work through personal
                                       problems or organizational changes that affects job performance. Because it means better

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