P. 102

Unit 5: Customer Relationship Management in Services

          5.9 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

          1.   “CRM is a business strategy that goes beyond increasing transaction volume.” Comment

          2.   Key to a successful CRM is right segmentation and customer delight. Do you agree? Give
               reasons and examples to support your answers.
          3.   “It is far cheaper to retain and satisfy one’s current customers than to acquire new ones.”
          4.   “Customer-relationship analytics helps companies make sense of customer needs, help
               companies manage  these relationships more intelligently and help predict the future.”
          5.   How does CRM analytics help in effective differentiation? What is the concept of Lifetime
               Value of a customer?
          6.   What are the major drivers for the tourism industry to go in for CRM system?
          7.   Devise a plan to develop a CRM system for a retail store.

          8.   How would a ‘Know Your Customer’ strategy work for a banking firm?
          9.   Describe the CRM business cycle.
          10.  Calculate the Lifetime Value:
               Average Sale: ` 3400

               No. of repeat purchases in a year: 5
               Expected length of customer stay: 18 months
               Average Profit Margin: 18%
               Acquisition Cost: ` 700

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   True                                2.   False
          3.   True                                4.   Service value
          5.   Employee  loyalty                   6.   Cheaper
          7.   b                                   8.   d
          9.   a                                   10.  False

          11.  True                                12.  True
          13.  b                                   14.  c
          15.  Fixed                               16.  Average profit %

          5.10 Further Readings

           Books      C Bhattacharjee, Services Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi
                      Christopher H Lovelock, Services Marketing, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, US

                      Leonard L Berry, Great Service: A Framework for Action, the Free Press

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