P. 54

Unit 4: Responsibility Centers

              Explain the marketing centres                                                    Notes
              Describe the research and development centres
              Identify the profit centres
              Explain the investment centres

              Explain the Economic Value Added (EVA) (Residual Income)
              Discuss the measuring and controlling of assets employed
              Explain the multiple performance measures


          A Management Control System is a set of interrelated communication structures that facilitates
          the processing of information for the purpose of assisting managers in coordinating the parts
          and attaining the purpose of an organization on a continuous basis.

          It is necessary to design the elements of the control system infrastructure, that is, the organisation
          structure; responsibility centres performance measures and rewards, in a mutually supportive
          and adoptive way so as to effectively implement the goals of the overall organisation. A properly
          designed infrastructure  is  crucial  to ensure  that resources  will  be  allocated effectively  in
          decentralized decision-making in pursuit of organizational goals.
          Organization structure can vary from Entrepreneurial structure, Functional Structure, Business
          Unit Organization  Structure to Matrix Structure. In all the cases, the CEO  is at  the top,  the
          managers of the business units, functional heads, departments, sections and all other sub-units
          below the CEO constitute the hierarchy of managers working together to achieve certain common
          goals for an organization. Each level of the managers or sub-unit constitutes responsibility

          4.1 A Responsibility Centre

          The  term responsibility centre is used to denote any organization unit  that is  headed by a
          responsible manager. In fact, a company is a collection of responsibility centres, represented by
          a box in the organization chart. These responsibility centres form a hierarchy. At the lowest
          level  in the  organization are  responsibility centres  for sections,  work shifts or other  small
          organization units. At the highest level are departments or business units (divisions). And from
          the standpoint  of senior management and the board of directors,  the whole  company is a
          responsibility center, although the term is usually used to refer to units within the company.
          A responsibility centre exists to accomplish one or more purposes known as objectives, within
          the organization goals and set of strategies lay down to achieve these goals. The objectives of the
          responsibility centres are to do their part in implementing these strategies. A  responsibility
          centre uses inputs, such as: physical quantities of material, hours of various types of labour and
          variety of services. It requires working capital, equipment and other assets to do this work. As
          a result of this work, the responsibility centre produces outputs such as goods or services (in case
          of staff units such as: human resources, engineering, accounting, administration). The goods and
          services produced by a  responsibility centre  may be  given  either  to another  responsibility
          center as  inputs or to the outside world, in which case, they  become outputs  of the  whole
          organization and revenues are earned by selling these outputs.

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