P. 109
Training and Development System
Notes Indirect and liberating influence of the trainer through minimum guidance
Trainer’s human values and faith in humanity
Trainer’s high expectations from learners and an openness to examine his own needs
Trainer’s competence
The better such conditions are, the more effective is the learning.
7.3.1 Major Conditions for Training to be Effective
1. The learner should be motivated to learn.
2. Standards of performance should be set for him.
3. The learner should have guidance (direction + feedback).
4. The learner must get satisfaction from learning.
5. Learning is an active and not a passive process.
6. Appropriate techniques should be used.
7. Learning methods should be varied.
8. Time must be allowed to absorb the learning.
9. The learner must receive reinforcement or correct behaviour.
10. The need to recognize that there are different levels of learning and that these need
different methods and take different times.
At the simplest level, learning requires direct physical responses, memorization and basic
conditioning. At a higher level, learning involves adapting existing knowledge or skill to a new
task or environment. At the next level, learning becomes a complex process when principles are
identified in a range of practices or actions, when a series of isolated tasks have to be integrated
or when the training deals with interpersonal skills.
The most complex form of learning takes place when training is concerned with the attitudes
and values of people. This is not only the most complex area, it is also the most difficult and
7.3.2 Factors Affecting the Learning Process
When the trainee finds it easier to learn the new task because of previous experience we call this
a positive transfer. However, previously learned material can sometimes cause inferior
performance, where automatic reactions have been set up, and temporary losses of performance
occur due to old habits, e.g. when a car driver from the continent arrives in India he tends to
drive on the right-hand side of the road for a while. This process is called negative transfer and
trainers should be aware that there are occasions in learning process when possession of certain
skills can actually constitute a handicap to the learning of a new skill. Transfer problems also
occurs when trainees have to move from a training school situation to the real working area.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
7. At the .................................. level, learning requires direct physical responses, memorization
and basic conditioning.