P. 240
Unit 14: Contemporary Issues in Training and Development
4. Technological Changes: There are three main types of technological changes: Notes
Changing what we make
Changing the way we make and the way we distribute what we make
Changing the way we communicate and store information.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The proper understanding of the ……………. environment is necessary for the assessment
of the training.
2. The areas of change, which have major impact on organisations, fall into four main
categories which are economic, political, social and ………………….
3. Short-term economic changes are ……………… changes that may only affect a department
or an individual by changing a small part of process.
14.2 Training Issues Resulting from Internal Need of the Company
The various aspects of training issues consequential from internal need of the company are:
1. Interpersonal relationship: It is the relationship between employees of the organisation on
an interpersonal basis. It may by full of warmth, trust or apprehensive and impersonal, etc.
2. Supervision: It is perceived as the general nature of the supervisions. It may be corrective,
growth-oriented and prospective in nature.
3. Communication: It indicates the nature and purpose of communication in the organisation.
It reflects whether communication is free and frank, selective and creative, whether the
purpose of supervision is to help or control and to condemn or to reform, etc.
4. Managing problems: It includes the way in which organisational problems are viewed and
solved in the system.
5. Decision-making: It involves the various considerations and ways by which decisions are
made in the organization, particularly whether involvement of the employees in decision
making is restrictive or pervasive and the entire organisation in influenced by the decision.
6. Trust: It involves the way by which management’s trust on the employees and extent of
mutual trust of employees for maintenance of interpersonal relationship in the
7. Managing mistakes: It is an approach undertaken by the organisation in managing the
mistakes, whether these mistakes are created in right perspective or learning experience
or as an offence to punish subordinates.
8. Managing conflicts: It includes the way conflicts are resolved in the organisation – whether
they are avoided, whether one party’s view is forced on the other, whether arbitration is
made or whether it is resolved by analysing the situation keeping the organisational
objectives in view.
9. Managing rewards: It involves consideration of rewarding awards to employees for their
performance that may be for Expertise, Loyalty, Ability, Control, etc.
10. Risk-tasking: It involves the relationship pattern between managers and subordinates in
risky situations.