P. 95

Training and Development System

                                          Example: Workers attend a workshop on creative problem-solving in which they learn
                                   and practice a five-step approach to problem-solving. But if they never use this problem-solving
                                   model after training, then its value is negligible.
                                       In contrast, effective training is directly and immediately applicable to the job. Training
                                       should be designed with job application in mind. During training delivery, encourage
                                       transfer of training, reinforce its importance, identify the barriers that learners perceive
                                       will  hinder their  on-the-job application  of what they learn, and help learners  –  and
                                       management – knock down those barriers.

                                   (b)  When to be Measured: The type of training dictates the time frame required for determining
                                       transfer. Technical training and on-the-job training, on the one hand, should usually be
                                       immediately applicable and should therefore, lend itself to immediate measurement of
                                       transfer. Interpersonal skills training and cultural awareness training, on the other hand,
                                       are  usually  not  immediately  applicable,  and  some  time  may  be  required  before
                                       measurement of transfer is appropriate or possible. For this training, you should generally
                                       wait about three to twelve months before measuring on-the-job transfer of learning.
                                   (c)  Direct Observation  Methods:  One  way  to  measure  transfer  of learning  is  by  direct
                                       observation of learners at some point after training. The observer may be the trainer, the
                                       supervisor, or some external evaluator. The observer sets out to determine how much or
                                       how well learners have applied on the job what they learnt in training.

                                     Caution  Use several strategies to improve the effectiveness of direct observation.  First,
                                     develop a structured approach to observation.

                                          Example:  Create  a  checklist  or  worksheet  to  organize  and  give  structure  to  the

                                   (d)  Learning Self-Assessment: Learner’s self-assessment usually works well because learners
                                       are ideally positioned to determine how much and how well they have applied what they
                                       have learned to their jobs.

                                       Self-assessments  are  usually  formatted  in  paper-and-pencil  formats, but  emerging
                                       technology, such as Web-based or computer-based survey programmes, offers exciting
                                       new  possibilities for  gathering  questionnaire  data. Questionnaires are  completed  by
                                       learners and returned to the evaluator either with or without individuals’ names.
                                   (e)  Interviews and Focus Groups: Alternative methods for collecting information  include
                                       one-on-one interviews and focus group sessions. The format of interviews or focus groups
                                       may be highly structured with specific questions, or open-ended and more like discussions
                                       or conversations.
                                   (f)  The Transfer or Training Evaluation Model: In 1995 Westinghouse Electric Corporation,
                                       published an executive summary describing a model called the  Transfer of  Training
                                       Evaluation Model  (TOTEM). This  report detailed  the  analysis, design,  development,
                                       implementation, and evaluation of the TOTEM. The purpose of the TOTEM was to provide
                                       an efficient method  for determining  the effectiveness of objectives-driven classroom
                                       training. Specifically, this is accomplished through anonymous post-training surveys of
                                       trainees. You can implement or help your organization incorporate this method of training

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