P. 123
Organization Change and Development
Notes understanding of roles helps members to meet the requirement of one another thereby
solving the problems which the team faces. Thus, team members may tend to contribute
positively to the teamwork. Even if one member lacks behind, he may tend to affect others
because of chain reaction just like a rotten apple injures its companions.
2. Supportive Environment: A team loaded with skilled members cannot perform well if the
organizational climate is not supportive for that. If the organizational climate is not in
tune with high achievement, team members may not show high degree of enthusiasm and
they will use only a part of their skills in performing the jobs. Therefore, managers at
higher levels particularly at the top level should set organizational climate and culture
which enthuse team members to put their best.
3. Super-ordinate Goals: Super-ordinate goals are those which are above the goals of a
single team or a single individual. An individual works better if he is able to link how his
goal attainment leads to the attainment of a higher-level goal. These super-ordinate goals,
then, serve to focus attention, unify efforts, and stimulate more cohesive team efforts.
4. Team Rewards: Team performance depends on how reward is linked to team performance
and how members perceive this linkage. If team members perceive that reward to
contingent on team performance, they will put their maximum. Rewards of both types-
financial and non-financial-should be taken into consideration. Further, organizations
need to achieve a careful balance between encouraging and rewarding individual initiative
and growth and stimulating full contributions to team success. Innovative non-financial
team rewards for responsible behaviour may include the authority to select new members
of the group, make recommendations regarding a new supervisor, or propose discipline
for team members.
The positive aspect of all these factors leads to team effectiveness and team members share
common values regarding product quality, customer satisfaction, and share the responsibility
for completing a project on schedule. Katzenbatch and Smith, management consultants, have
suggested the concept of real team and they feel that this concept is relatively unexploited
despite its capacity to outperform other groups and individuals. They define four characteristics
of real teams: small size; complementary skills; common purpose, goals, and working approach:
and willingness to be held mutually accountable. Real teams can be created and sustained by:
1. Selecting members for their complementary skills and potentials;
2. Developing clear rules of conduct and challenging performance goals;
3. Establishing a sense of urgency right from the first meeting;
4. Providing substantial time together in which new information is constantly shared; and
5. Providing positive feedback, recognition, and rewards.
Team-building Process
Team-building attempts to improve effectiveness of the team by having team members to
concentrate on:
1. Setting goals and priorities for the team.
2. Analyzing how team’s goals and priorities are linked to those of the organization.
3. Analyzing how the work is performed.
4. Analyzing how the team is working, and
5. Analyzing the relationships among the members who are performing the job.