P. 184
Unit 12: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
and other functional areas. The team is headed by team leader, who has the responsibility of Notes
conducting meetings, determining meeting schedules, communicating meeting schedules and
agenda to all the members, and coordinating on corrective actions determined. He is also
responsible for ensuring participation of all team members. He shall maintain all FMEA records
and distributes them to all the members as and when they are needed.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
7. …………………… teams are used for FMEA.
8. The team leader is responsible for ensuring …………………… of all team members.
12.4 FMEA Documentation
FMEA generates lot of information and it generates several ideas and these ideas should be
available for further use by others when they are useful to them. Hence it is important to
document FMEA activities. The purpose of FMEA document is to allow all involved engineers
to have access to other’s thoughts and to design manufacture using collective group thoughts,
which promotes team work.
Note Documents must be updated on regular basis as changes may occur during design
and manufacturing process.
FMEA team generally use block diagrams to show different flows like information, energy,
force, fluid, etc. involved in the component or process being analyzed. This diagram helps in
understanding inputs, and outputs.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
9. The purpose of …………………… is to allow all involved engineers to have access to
other’s thoughts and to design manufacture using collective group thoughts, which
promotes team work.
10. FMEA team generally use …………………… to show different flows like information,
energy, force, fluid, etc. involved in the component or process being analyzed.
12.5 Stages of FMEA
The five stages of FMEA are listed below:
Stage 1: Poor FMEA Understanding
Typically the organisation in stage one uses FMEAs because it has to meet a paper requirement
for a customer or quality standard. Personnel perform the FMEA right before it is due to be
turned in to the customer, usually too late in the process to be useful.
Quite often, the wrong people perform the FMEA. The quality department ends up developing
the documents rather than making design engineers responsible for design FMEAs and operating
personnel responsible for process FMEAs.