P. 145

Visual Merchandising

                    Notes          which compare amount of foot traffic against the overall productivity. Retail designers have an
                                   acute awareness that the store and their designs are the background to the merchandise and are
                                   only  there  to represent  and  create  the best  possible  environment  in  which  to reflect  the
                                   merchandise to the target consumer group.
                                   Since the evolution of retail design and its impact on productivity have become clear, a series of
                                   standardisations  in  the  techniques  and  design  qualities  has  been  determined.  These
                                   standardisations range from alterations to the perspective of the structure of the space, entrances,
                                   circulation systems, atmospheric qualities (light and sound) and materiality. By exploring these
                                   standardisations in retail design the consumer will be given a thematic experience that entices
                                   them to purchase the merchandise. It is also important to acknowledge that a retail space must
                                   combine both permanent and non permanent features, that allow it to change as the needs of the
                                   consumer and merchandise change (e.g. per season).
                                   Once the overall structure and circulation of the space has been determined, the atmosphere and
                                   thematics of the space must be created through lighting, sound, materials and visual branding.
                                   These design elements will cohesively have the greatest impact on the consumer and thus the
                                   level of productivity that could be achieved.
                                   Lighting can have a dramatic impact on the space. It needs to be functional but also complement
                                   the merchandise as well as emphasise key points throughout the store. The lighting should be
                                   layered and of a variety of intensities and fixtures. Firstly, examine the natural light and what
                                   impact it has in the space. Natural light adds interest and clarity to the space; also consumers also
                                   prefer to examine the quality of merchandise in natural light. If no natural light exists, a sky
                                   light can be used to introduce it to the retail space. The lighting of the ceiling and roof is the next
                                   thing to consider. This lighting should wash the structural features while creating vectors that
                                   direct the consumer to key merchandise selling areas. The next layer should emphasise the
                                   selling areas. These lights should be direct but not too bright and harsh. Poor lighting can cause
                                   eye strain and an uncomfortable experience for the consumer. To minimise the possibility of
                                   eye strain, the ratio of luminance should decrease between merchandise selling areas. The next
                                   layer will complement and bring focus onto the merchandise; this lighting should be flattering
                                   for the merchandise and consumer. The final layer is to install functional lighting such as clear
                                   exit signs.
                                   Ambiance can then be developed within the atmosphere through sound and audio, the music
                                   played within the store should reflect what your target market would be drawn to, this would
                                   also be developed through the merchandise that is being marketed. In a lingerie store the music
                                   should be soft, feminine and romanticised; where in a technology department the music would
                                   be more upbeat and more masculine.
                                   Materiality  (architecture)  is  another  key  selling  tool,  the choices  made must  not  only  be
                                   aesthetically pleasing and persuasive but also functional with a minimal need for maintenance.
                                   Retail spaces are high traffic area and are thus exposed to a lot of wear this means that possible
                                   finishes of the materials should be durable. The warmth of a material will make the space more
                                   inviting, a floor that is firm and somewhat buoyant will be more comfortable for that consumer
                                   to walk on and thus this will allow them to take longer when exploring the store. By switching
                                   materials throughout the store zones/areas can be defined, for example by making the path one
                                   material and contrast it against another for the selling areas this help to guide the consumer
                                   through the store. Colour is also important to consider it must not over power or clash against
                                   the  merchandise  but  rather  create  a  complementary  background  for  the  merchandise.
                                   As merchandise will change seasonally the interior colours should not be trend based but rather
                                   have timeless appeal like neutral based colours.

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