P. 412

Unit-29: Insurance Choice and Risk

            29.2   Choice between Insurance and Gambling:                                            Notes
                  Friedman–Savage Hypothesis

            Some people are risk averse and they spend their life to review their insurance protection and involve in
            gambling in casino. This is a paradox because it indicates that people can be risk averse and risk loving
            at a time. In fact, there is no paradox because the behaviour insurance which can be bought depends
            upon their nature and cost as well as the game of gambling.
            If a person buys an insurance policy then he wants to get rid from risk. But when he buys a lottery ticket then
            he gets small occasion of big profit. Thus, he takes risk. Some persons take in  both insurance and gambling
            and thus they take risk and protect too. Why? Answer has given by Friedman–Savage Hypothesis. It tells
            that for income the marginal utility comes down on a level. It increases between a level of income and any
            high level and again decreases for all income over that upper level. This is shown in Fig. 29.4 as total utility
            curve TU where utility is shown on horizontal axis and income is on vertical axis.

                                                Fig. 29.4

                                                                   T 1
                                                               K 1     TU
                                    Total Utility  B 1 C 1  D  F

                                        A           1 E  1
                                         1           1

                                         A    B CDEF      G     K  T

            Suppose that a person buys insurance policy to protect his house from fire and he also buys a lottery
            ticket which gives a small occasion to him for a big deal. This paradox has shown by a total utility curve
            by Freidman and Savage. This type of a curve primarily goes upward in decreasing rate by which the
            marginal utility of money gets low and then it gets upward in increasing rate by which the marginal
            utility of money gets high. In Fig. 29.4, TU curve first goes downward to point F  and later goes upward
            till point K . Suppose that the income of a person without fire with FF  utility is OF. Now he buys policy
            to get rid of risk of fire. If fire catches the house then his income will decrease by OA with AA  utility. By
            adding point A  and F , we get utility points in these two unknown income condition. If the possibility
            of non fire is P then the expected income of this person is
                                           Y = P (OF) + (1 – P) (OA)
            Suppose that the expected income of person is (Y) OE then its utility is EE  on pointed line A F . Now
                                                                                      1 1
            suppose that the cost of insurance (insurance premium) is FD. Thus the income with insurance is OD
            (OF – FD) which gives his more utility from EE  to DD  in case of no fire possibility expected income is
                                                 1     1
            OE. So that person pays FD premium to get fixed income OD in case of fire and to get rid of risk.
            After taking insurance for fire protection, he decides to buy a lottery ticket with rest of his income OD
            whose price is DB. If he will not win then his income will fall by OB with BB  utility. If he wins then his
            income will rise by OK with KK  utility. Thus his expected income with possibility of not winning lottery
            P  is—
                                          Y  = P  (OB) + (1 – P ) (OK)
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