P. 290

Unit 22: Time Series Analysis—Introduction and Components of Time Series

            3.  Convert these averages into chain relatives on the basis of the first season.        Notes
            4.  Calculate the chain relative of the first season on the basis of the last season.
            5.  A correction is applied to each of the relatives that have been computed in the earlier step. For
                this correction, the chain relative of the first season calculated by the first method is deducted
                from the chain relative of the first season calculated by the second method. The difference is
                divided by the number of seasons in a year. The resulting figure multiplied by 1, 2, 3 etc. is
                deducted respectively from the chain relatives of the 2 , 3 , 4 , etc.
            6.  The seasonal indices are obtained when the corrected chain relatives are expressed as percentage
                of their relative averages.
            Example 3  : Calculate the seasonal index for the data given in Table 3 by the link-relative method.
            Solution  : The computation of seasonal indices has been explained below:
                       Table 5: Computation of Seasonal Indices by Link Relative Method


               Year                I            II              III            IV

                1974             —             91.7            97.6           103.6
                1975            103.3          88.5            97.4           109.0
                1976            110.7          92.1           100.2           106.7
                1977            104.6          84.3            95.3           109.3
                1978             96.6          92.1           111.5           111.3
                      Mean chain  103.8        89.7           100.4           108.0

                                             100 × 89.7     89.7 × 104.4    90.1 × 108.0
                Relatives       100
                                               100             100             100
                                               = 89.7          = 90.1         = 97.3
                Corrected       100.0       89.7 – 0.25      90.1 – 0.5     97.3 – 0.75
                chain relatives               = 87.45         = 89.6          = 96.55

                                            87.45            89.6           96.55
                Corrected       100.0            × 100          × 100            × 100
                                             93.4            93.4            93.4
                Seasonal index                = 93.6          = 95.9          = 103.4

                        The correction factor has been calculated as follows:
                        Chain relative of the first quarter on the basis of first quarter  = 100.0

                                                                             103.8 × 97.3
                        Chain-relative on the basis of the last quarter    =
                                                                           = 101.0
                        The difference between these chain relatives       = 101.0 –100.0
                                                                           = 1.0
                        Difference per quarter                      =
                                                                           = 0.25

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