P. 147
Unit–15: Models of Teaching
15.1 Meaning, Definition and Characteristics of Teaching Models Notes
No teaching theories is developed yet in this field of education which is perfect and is placed in the
category of universal theory. Models of Teaching are such efforts or arrangements which are leading us
towards Teaching Theory. Some people also call them imperfect teaching theories. In fact, these models
provide raw material and scientific basis for the development learning theory.
Model- Coombs and Associates have written while defi ning model—
“Model is an abstraction of the world ... a model of the world which is tested by comparing its
consequences to the observed data”.
According to HC Wyld—“To confirm in behavior, action and to direct one’s to action according to some
particular design or idea is called model.”
According to Bhatnagar and Bhatnagar (1977), “The process given according to a design in order to
achieve a behavior of Teaching or learning or teaching-learning theories is called a model.”
Models of Teaching—“Teaching Model is the first step towards the development of teaching theories.
They provide scientific basis to teaching theories. These are postulates which are used by teachers to
make his teaching effective.”
According to Hyman—“The model is a way to talk and think about instruction in which certain facts be
organized, classified and interpreted.”
B. R. Joyce called teaching model as Instructional design, “Teaching models are just instructional
designs. They describe the process of specifying and producing particular environmental situations
which cause the student to interact in such a way that specific change occurs in his behavior.”
According to Joyce and Weil—“Teaching model is a comprehensive theoretical portion about teaching
learning and describing goals of learning, curriculum, setting and procedure. These are the different
approaches to teaching and different kinds of strategy for teaching and learning.”
According to Bhatnagar (1973)—“Teaching model may be considered as a combination of learning
goals, environmental manipulations and other processes.”
Teaching models are also called as prototypes of Theories of Teaching because these provide the essential
facts and suffix for the development of teaching theories. Teaching uses teaching theories in order to
make his teaching effective.
The word—model is used as an ideal or as a small form of an object. Students are made to adopt ideals
through these model by bringing an ideal in front of them. In the second case, the small size of the object
is referred to as a model. As a person firstly creates a model of the structure of a building, dam or a
project, checks it functioning then starts the actual building, Dam or project if everything is fi ne.
Similarly, teaching-Paradigm are introduced in the field of teaching for skilled teaching arrangements
which are called as Teaching Model. Teaching model is a way to thinking about teaching.
According to Paul D. Eggen—“Models are prescriptive teaching strategies designed to accomplish
particular instructional goals.
According to N.K. Jangira and Ajit Singh—“A model of teaching is a set of inter-related components
arranged in sequence which provides guidelines to realize goal. It helps in designing instructional
activities and environmental facilities carrying out of these activities & realization of the stipulated
Jangira and Singh further writes—“The model has the support of a rationales justified by a viable
theory. It tells about what the model stands for and why it purports to accomplish this. Empirical
support towards the workability of the models also contributes one of the requirements to justify them.”
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Educational Technology 141 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 141