P. 159

Unit–16: Glasser’s Basic Teaching Model

                   16.7 Review Questions                                                                    Notes

                     1.  Describe the basic teaching model of Glaser.
                     2.  Highlight the importance and use of teaching models.
                     3.  Explain inquiry teaching model.
                     4.  What do you mean by inductive teaching model?

                   Answers: Self-Assessment

                   1.  (i) 1962     (ii) Class-Room Meeting Model    (iii) Instructional  (iv) Teaching  (v) Evaluation
                   2. (i) True     (ii) False                 (iii) True

                   16.8 Further Readings

                              1.  Education Technology—S.K. Mangal, P.H.I Learning.
                              2.   The Basic Premise of Educational Technology—Yogesh Kumar Singh.

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