P. 239
Unit–29: Development of Programmed Study
29.2 Preparation or Organize Notes
The first step of the program before creating programmed study is preparation. The following post
1. Selection of the Topic or Units to be Programmed—The title of the episode or make programme If
selected, the following considerations should be his choice—
(i) The title of the first episode or a program is not available?
(ii) What is the case with any other method that can effectively be taught?
(iii) Episode students approach it more simple, logical and psychological being presented by This is
the most interesting, useful and appropriate
(iv) What the students meet course requirements?
(v) The person making the program a full command of the episode?
(vi) Automatic logical sequence in the episode, he is not so much the long and the short amount of
time Under the prospects of effective teaching?
(vii) What is the proper format of the episode?
2. Writing Information’s Related to the Previous Knowledge of Students—This program is for
students. Therefore, prior to the program, the students made the program is—the student’s age, gender,
socio-economic, psychological level, interests, abilities, backgrounds and prediction should collect
information relating to the conduct of the program should accordingly.
3. Writing Objectives in Behavioral Term—This term is used to render the objects under them are
written in practical language. The transactions and ‘job analysis’ are both actions. These objectives
the type Robert magear, miller, gronlund and needed from one approach or approaches to davey
Method is used. Objectives appropriate functional type - select actions and should be used. Practical -
the objective criteria are helpful in making examinations.
4. Development of Specific Outlines of Content—Students’ prior experiences, practices and
foreknowledge and pre-determined objectives consistent with the subject is planned. In this framework
it is necessary to build therein all the subject comes up, the program have to make. Subject to the
framework should make logical or psychological grounds. Subject outlines when creating content—
even the experts are ready to help.
5. Construction of Criterian Test—Under the terms of the last students practices, criteria for evaluation
of the test is constructed. The specific objectives of this trial Consistent objective questions are asked. It
is used to evaluate all those behaviors and skills the program is designed to teach. The test criteria are
called. The purpose of these tests is to know reach the learning objectives of the student and the norms
or not. If you did not get to what extent? Why and how are reached can access them.
Keep it mind that each instruction must aim for at least 3 or 4 Question should be tested.
to them proper instructions and orders must be clearly outlined. If possible, these criteria
the reliability and validity of examinations should be tested.
29.3 Development or Writing The Programme
Under this post is written to the actual programs or initiatives. Decisions before writing a variety of are like—
1. Program which method should be written, lineer, Branching or Mathematics Etc?
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Educational Technology 233 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 233