P. 242
ftfdne seBhe
B'N “E-learning is about information, communication, education and training.
Regardless of how trainers categorize training and education, the learner only
wants the skills and knowledge to do a better job or to answer the next question
from a customer.”
-Tom Kelly, Cisco
poKv'B j'b d/ nB[;ko, “id'A fBod/P dk ;zuko dk E'Vk iK g{oD o{g ftZu fpibh :zsoK d/
wkfXnwK dh ;jkfJsk Bkb ns/ t/p;kJhN ns/ fJzNoB/N iK pj[wkfXnwK ;hvh o'w, vhHthHvhH
Bkb ehsk iKdk j?, sK T[; B{z Jh^f;Zfynk efjzd/ jB.”
“…instruction that is delivered electronically, in part or wholly via a Web browser,
(…) through the Internet or an intranet, or through multimedia platforms such CD-
ROM or DVD.” -Brandon Hall
poKv'B j'b dk soe j? fe seBhe Jh^f;Zfynk B{z T[Bs eodh j?. Jh^f;Zfynk dh t/p;kJhN
ns/ fJzNoB/N Bkb gfjukD ehsh rJh. fdqP tksktoD B{z t/p;kJhN Bkb ;woZE ehsk iKdk
j?. t/p;kJhN Jh^f;Zfynk d/ bJh tksktoD dk f;oiB eodh j?.
Brandon Hall argues that, as the technology improves, e-learning has been
identified primarily with using the web, or an intranet‟s web. Increasingly as higher
bandwidth has become more accessible it has been identified primarily with using
the Web, or an intranet‟s web, forcing the visual environment and interactive
nature of the web on the learning environment.
bofBB ;oetN; d/ nB[;ko^“Jh^f;Zfynk d/ T[g:'r ns/ gqfefonk dk ftnkge y/so j?l fit/A
t/p^f;Zfynk nXkfos f;Zfynk, ezfgT{No^nXkfos f;Zfynk ns/ n;b iwks f;ybkJh B{z
Pkfwb ehsk iKdk j?. fJjBK wkfXnwK d[nkok gkm^t;s{ dk ;zuko ehsk ikt/ ns/ fJzNoB/N
dk T[g:'r ehsk ikt/. fdqP ns/ Pot N/g, ;?N/bkJhN gq;koD ftZu d{odoPB, ;hvh o'w dk
T[g:'r ehsk ikdk j?.”
“E-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes such as webbased
learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. It
includes the delivery of content via the internet, intranet/extranet, audio and
videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV and CD-ROM.” -Learning Circuits
o';Btor d/ nB[;ko^“Jh^f;Zfynk ftZu fJzNoB/N gqDkbh dk T[g:'r ehsk iKdk j?. fJzNoB/N
seBhe d[nkok gkm^t;s{ dk ;zuko ehsk iKdk j?, fi; Bkb frnkB ftZu tkXk ehsk iKdk j?
ns/ ftfdnkoEhnK dhnK fBPgshnK ftZu tkXk j[zdh j?.”
o';Btor B/ Jh^f;Zfynk d/ bJh fszB w{b wkBdzvK B{z fdZsk j?^
1H Jh^f;Zfynk ftZu B?Ntoe j[zdk j?. ;{uBktK ftZu ;fjGkrsk j[zdh j? ns/ ;{uBktK dk
GzvkoD j[zdk j?.
2H Jh^f;Zfynk ftZu ;zuko ;zpzXh fJzNoB/N dh gqwkfDe seBhehnK dk T[g:'r ehsk iKdk
3H Jh^f;Zfynk dk fNZuk gq;koD eoBk j? f;Zfynk d/ ;wkXkB gozgokrs gqDkbh s'A
finkdk ;koEe ns/ gqGktPkbh j[zd/ jB.
“Jh^f;Zfynk P[ZX ;{uBk B{z ng/fyns ftnesh B{z ;jh ;w/A s/ ns/ ;jh ;EkB s/ T[fus
wkfXnwK d/ T[g:'r s'A gqdkB ehsh iKdh j?.”
“E-learning provides the potential to provide the right information to the right
people at the right times and places using the right medium.”
Jh^f;Zfynk d/ y/so ftZu BthB XkoDk j? ns/ f;Zfynk dk fJZe BtK nk:kw th j?.