P. 25
fJekJh^2L ftfdne seBhe dhnK gj[zuK
2H5 gqDkbh ftPb/PD (System Analysis) B'N
gqDkbh ftPb/PD iK ftfdne seBheh fsZik (System Analysis or Educational Technology
III) ^ gqDkbh gj[zu B{z ftfdne seBheh fsZik fejk iKdk j?. fJ; dk ftek; d{i/ ftPt:[ZX d/
pknd j'fJnk fJ; ftZu gqPk;B, gqpzX, tgko ns/ ;/Bk nkfd Bkb ;zpzXs ;wZf;nktK d/ ftP/
ftZu fBoDk b?D d/ bJh ftfrnkBe nXko ofjzdk j?. fJ;h bJh fJ; gj[zu B{z gqpzX seBheh
gj[zu (Management Technology) th fejk iKdk j?. fJ; dk f;Zfynk d/ y/so ftZu ftfdne
gqPk;B s/ ftfdne gqpzX dhnK ;wZf;nktK dk ftfrnkBe nfXnB eoB ftZu gq:'r ehsk iKdk
j?. d{i/ PpdK ftZu, “ftfdne seBheh fsZik, ftfdne gqPk;B d/ ftek; ns/ fBod/PB dh
o{go/yk pDkT[D ftZu g{oD ;fj:'r gqdkB eodk j?.” fJ; gqDkbh d/ T[g:'r ftZu ftfdne
ftt;Ek xZN you ftZu finkdk T[g:'rh ns/ gqGktPkbh pD iKdk j?. fJ; gqDkbh ftPb/PD dk
gqw[Zy nXko ftfrnkB ns/ rfDs j?. f;btoB (Silvern, 1968) B/ gqDkbh B{z fBwB nzfes dh
soQK gq;s{s ehsk j?^
(i) Analysis is performed on the existing system to identify the parts and the
(ii) Synthesis is performed to combine these various elements together with
new elements previously unrelated.
(iii) Models are constructed to predict the effectiveness of the system.
(iv) Simulation is carried out prior to implementation of the system in real life.
ftfdne seBheh fsZi/ d/ nzsors gqDkbh ftPb/PD, f;ybkJh wB'ftfrnkB gqko{g (Training
Psychology Design), ;zuko^fB:zsoD gqko{g (Cybernatic Design) iK g{BopbB (Theory
Reinforcement) th Pkfwb ofjzd/ jB. fJj ftfdne seBheh nZieZbQ pj[s b'efgq: j[zdh ik
ojh j?.
ftfdne seBheh fsZik iK gqDkbh gj[zu dk iBw jkovt/no ns/ ;'cNt/no gjz[uK d/ w/b d/
cb;o{g j'fJnk.
ftfene seBheh I (em'o fPbg gj[zu)
O ftfdne seBheh III iK gqDkbh gj[zu
ftfdne seBheh II (em'o fPbg gj[zu)
ftfdne seBheh^III gj[zu, ftfdne seBheh gfjbk ns/ d{ik B{z i'VB tkbh fJZe wjZstg{oD
eVh j?. fJj em'o s/ e'wb fPbg d/ fwPoD Bkb nfs nkX[fBe gj[zu pD rJh j? fi; dk
Gog{o T[g:'r f;Zfynk d/ ftfGzB y/soK ftZu ehsk ik fojk j?.
ftfdne seBheh III gj[zu n;b ftZu r?;NkbNtkdh wB'ftfrnkB d/ f;XKsK s/ nXkfos j?.
fJ; d/ nB[;ko ftfdne ftt;Ek iK ftfdne gqdkbh B{z uko gqw[Zy sZsK ftZu tzfvnk ik ;edk
eqw ;zfynk gqw[Zy sZsK dk tor
1H fBt/P (Input)
2H gqfefonk (Process)
3H T[sgkdB (Output)
4H tksktoD ;zdoG (Environmental Context)