P. 28

Educational Management

                   Notes          •  The following are the advantages :
                                  •  It is necessary to judge the effectiveness of the administrative, process in order to improve it. It
                                     should lead to continuous improvement by finding out what objectives are being fulfilled and
                                     how far. Thus, it is concerned with both quality and quantity,
                                  •  Evaluation helps, improvement of human relationships. In the administrative process, the human
                                     climate is the most important. A critical analysis of the quality of human relationships in the
                                     organisation reveals the prevailing strains and tensions.
                                  •  Steps in Evaluation Process
                                     (i) Formulation of objectives and purposes of evaluation in clear and definite terms. For this,
                                        we should answer the questions why, and what, we are going to evaluate.
                                    (ii) Identification of the sources of the data. This is to answer the question what information and
                                        material are to be collected.
                                    (iii) Development of methods for the collection of the data. This is to answer the question what
                                        instruments or tools of appraisal are to be used. The usually instruments are tests, rating
                                        scales, questionnaires, schedules, surveys observation and interviews, etc.

                                  2.8 Keywords
                                  •   Values     :  beliefs about what is right and wrong.
                                  •   Evaluate   :  To form an opinion of the amount, value of something about it carefully.
                                  •   Autocracy  :  a system of government, country, school or organization.

                                  2.9 Review Questions
                                  1.  Discuss the Educational “planning “ and “organizing”.
                                  2.  Explain the term directing.
                                  3.  What is controlling ?
                                  4.  Describe the formal and informal organization
                                  5.  Explain the Educational management of teaching learning process.
                                  Answers : Self Assessment

                                  1.  (i)  Processes     (ii)  Planning    (iii)  Formal organization
                                      (iv)  Direction    (v)  Power, devices  (vi)  Evaluation
                                      (vii) Informal organisation

                                  2. 10 Further Readings

                                              1.  The Principles and Practice of Educational Management: Tony Bush, Les Bell,
                                                  SAGE Publisher, 2002.
                                              2.  Educational Management : Strategy, Quality, and Resources, Margaret Preedy, Ron
                                                  Glatter, Publiser Open University Press, 1997.
                                              3.  Educational Management: Theory and Practice, J.A. Okumbe, Publisher Bairobi
                                                  University Press, 1998.

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