P. 25
Unit 2: Process of Educational Management
(2) It should be remembered that workers do not appreciate appraisal when they fell their security Notes
and status are threatened. The administrator should recognise the impact of evaluation on
people. He must use it only for its legitimate /purpose—to improve the individual and the
group, offer them psychological security, to help the organisation fulfil its purposes, measure
its progress and public understanding and support.
(3) Evaluation helps, improvement of human relationships. In the management process, the human
climate is the mot important. A critical analysis of the quality of human relationships in the
organisation reveals the prevailing strains and tensions. Evaluation helps the administrator to
diagnose the causes of these tensions and adopt quick measures to remove them by social
(4) Evaluation helps to secure public interest and cooperation. The administrator, staff and students
are daily judging the effectiveness of their actions, but the community should also be given an
opportunity to evaluate educational procedures. Their attitude and understanding should be
In this way, evaluation can be instrumental in convincing the people that education deserves
the community’s cooperation, sympathy and support.
(5) Evaluation involves the important question of criteria. Educational purposes are complex and
difficult to define precisely. There is also a wide divergence of views regarding these purposes,
making the task of evaluation more difficult. Thus, some people measure the results of education
in therms of pass percentage, others in terms of degrees and diplomas, and still others in terms
of incomes earned after education. But all these criteria are unsatisfactory. The most desirable
criteria for evaluation of the administrative process should be in terms of the individuals and
group’s understanding the purposes of their activities, their potentialities and participation in
the process, appreciation of their own and other’s responsibilities, their inter-communication
and utilisation of experiences to increase productivity, modification of procedures, creation of
unity and cooperation and full integration of capacities, and above all the total effect produced
by the educative process upon society as a whole.
Steps in Evaluation Process
(i) Formulation of objectives and purposes of evaluation in clear and definite terms. For this, we
should answer the questions why, and what, we are going to evaluate
(ii) Identification of the sources of the data. This is to answer the question what information and
material are to be collected.
(iii) Development of methods for the collection of the data. This is to answer the guestion what
instruments or tools of appraisal are to be used. The usually instruments are tests, rating scales,
questionnaires, schedules, surveys observation and interviews, etc.
(iv) Interpretation of the results obtained in the light of the objectives and purposes. For this, group
discussion would be found more useful.
(v) Integration and summarising of the results. The best possible judgement should be formed and
the findings or recommendations should be in a form easy for application for future
Self Assessment
1. Fill in the blanks :
(i) Educational management is a collection of ____________.
(ii) ____________ is a method of approaching problems and it saves time, effort and money.
(iii) The ____________ is established by law and custom.
(iv) ____________ depends on several factors such as the prevalent circumstances, staff equipment,
finances etc.