P. 299
Unit 22: Application of Educational Management in Administrative Areas
school. These certificates are issued to the students by the school head on the basis of school records. Notes
The school records are required for the following purposes.
(1) The work distribution of teaching is done by preparing classwise and teacherwise time-table. It
indicates the work load of teachers and for the functioning of the school. Teaches leave record
is maintained by teachers attendance register.
(2) The students attendence register is needed for students attendence and fee account and to
realize fine of students. The students are required 75 percent attendance for appearing final
board examinations. The students try to reach in the school in right time before the school time.
(3) Teacher diary indicates the courses assigned and completed before the examinations and also
the students performance record. Teacher work is recorded.
(4) The students admission and their enrolment and cumulative records are maintained for issuing
the certificate to them. The leaving certificates or withdrawal transfer certificates are issued on
the basis of their records in the schools.
(5) The N.C.C. incharge of the school also maintains the attendance and there participation in the
programmes for issuing the N.C.C. certificate or N.S.S. certificate.
(6) The sport officer also maintains the record of students participation for issuing games certificate.
(7) The library maintains daily issuing books and return of books of each and every student and
(8) The stock register of a school maintains record of furniture books approtus and other equipments
for the school.
(9) The correspondence made to state and district education authorities is essential for reminding
and replying the quries.
(10) The cashbook register is maintained dail income and expenditure. The salary register and finances
are maintain for school budget etc.
Objectives of School Records
The objectives of school records have given in the following paragraphs :
(a) To help the School
1. To locate each pupil quickly.
2. To have available the facts significant about each pupil.
3. To explain and remove undesirable conditions.
4. To find if all legal requirements are met.
5. To make important investigation and case studies possible.
6. To find if school funds are adequate and wisely expended, and maintained
7. To reduce retardation and failure to the minimum.
(b) To help the Class-room Teacher
1. To known pupils when the school year begins.
2. To determine what work a pupil is capable of doing.
3. To provide learning activities suitable to each pupil.
4. To formulate a basis for the intelligent to each pupil.
5. To explain the behaviour characteristic or unhappy conditions of any pupil.
6. To make possible the development of unusual capacities or exceptional talents.
7. To make proper provisions for mentally slow.