P. 48
Educational Management
Notes 9. In the recording of date every attempt is made to distinguish facts from personal opinions.
Teachers must distinguish between objective facts and subjective impressions.
10. It enables teachers to think more about what happens to the pupil in all his areas of
Problems regarding the Maintenance of Records
1. Who should maintain the record cards ? : The teachers in charge of various subjects should
maintain records and evaluate the child’s achievements from time to time and to record the
The class teacher should maintain a file containing the record cards of all the students in his
class. He should be responsible for getting the necessary entries made by subject teacher or
class teacher or teacher incharge of various activities. He is to act as a liaison between the pupil
and the subject matter and between the pupil and the parents.
2. Where to keep them : The record should remain with the class teacher, but should be easily
accessible to the other teachers. Whenever they want to make entries, the best place is the
principal’s room or the staff room where these remain confidential.
3. When to fill up these cards ? : Record of written work may be kept by the teacher and entries
made fortnightly and monthly. Other entries may be made at the time pf particular event or
tests. Each teacher should have a small note-book in which he records his observation at the
time of incident about a particular pupil and then makes entries in the card at some convenient
4. How do check the maintenance of the cumulative record ? : The principal or one of the teachers
should keep a proper check to see whether the entries are being made regularly by each teacher.
The principal should sign the records and arrange to send reports of the pupils’ achievement to
their parents at regular intervals.
Criteria of a Good Cumulative Record
1. Validity : It must be true, exact and authentic. Nothing based on rumour or second hand
information should find a place in it.
2. Objectivity and reliability : Personal opinions and judgments should be avoided. The teacher
should maintain an objective outlook.
3. Usability : It must be usable and readily accessible. The arrangement of date must facilitate
ready interpretations.
4. Comprehensiveness : The information recorded should be so comprehensive to give a complete
pictures of the child both horizontal as well as vertical.
3.8 Lesson Plan
Meaning and Definitions of Lesson Plan
Teaching is organized in three phases : pre-active, interactive and post active phase of teaching.
Before entering into the classroom whatever activities a teacher plans may be put in a preactive
phases of teaching. The lesson-planning is virtually the preactive phases of teaching.
N.L. Bossing has given a comprehensive definition of lesson plan.
“Lesson plan is the title given to a statement of the achievement to be realized and have the
specific meaning by which these are to be attained as a result of the activities engaged during the
period of teaching.”