P. 46
Educational Management
Notes Popularly known as progress report, this report card establishes a link between the parents and
the teacher. It should give an honest and complete evaluation of the child’s growth and
development. It should stress the kinds of behaviour in a democracy. It should provide for
indiviudal differences. It should be constructive, diagnostic, and complete in all phases of child
growth and development. The reporting system developed co-operatively by all concerned should
be consistent with the educational philosophy of the whole school.
Promotion and failure Report
Some schools make out a promotion and failure report at the end of each year. It may show the
principal certain danger points which deserve his attention. It will also give a teacher a chance to
see his position in relation to the whole school. If a grade or subject have an unusually high percentage
of failures, further investigations should be made to find out the reasons. Through such studies the
principal of a school can locate pupil promotion problems that should be solved.
Promotion and Failure Report
School ..................... Date ............
Grandes or Number Number Number Percentage Number Percentage
Subjects Enrolled Appeared Promoted Promoted Failed Failed
Cumulative Records
The Secondary Education Commission has recommended the maintenance of cumulative record of
each pupil by the class teachers. It will include not only the personal data of the pupil but also his
school-attainments, health report, personality traits and participation in activities.
Placing a great emphasis on the cumulative records Indian Education Commission 1964-65 said,
“Cumulalive record cards play a vital role in indicating the growth and development of the pupil at
each stage, his academic and emotional stage, his academic and emotional problems, and his
difficulties of adjustment if any, and the directions in which remedial action is to be taken to solve
his problem or difficulties.”
“When a school accepts the philosophy that it has the duty to meet the needs of its students in their
growth towards proper development, it would provide for gathering, recording, and using cumulative
factual evidence of each pupil’s growth, adjustment and potential.” The cumulative record is a
systematic accumulation of significant factual information about an individual which when
progressively developed and maintained over a sufficeint period of time, gives a summarized “growth
record” indicating the direction and rate of development.
Cumulative record shirts the emphasis from a one time or once-a-year performance in a few academic
subjects to the full development in practically all the important aspects of education and general,
physical, social and mental development over a longer period of time. This shift of emphasis is
necessary before examination reform can be taken up.