P. 42
Educational Management
Notes Objectives of School Records
1. To help the School
(i) To locate each pupil quickly.
(ii) To have available the facts significant about each pupil.
(iii) To explain and remove undesirable conditions.
(iv) To find if all legal requirements are met.
(v) To determine if any administrative or other changes are desirable.
(vi) To make important investigation and case studies possible.
(vii) To find if school funds are adequate and wisely expended.
(viii) To reduce retardation and failure to the minimum.
2. To help the Class-room Teacher
(i) To known pupils when the school year begins.
(ii) To determine what work a pupil is capable of doing.
(iii) To provide learning activities suitable to each pupil.
(iv) To formulate a basis for the intelligent guidance of pupils.
(v) To explain the behaviour characteristic or unhappy conditions of any pupil.
(vi) To make possible the development of unusual capacities or exceptional talents.
(vii) To identify and make proper provisions for mentally slow.
(viii) To make assignments to committee work and monitorial positions.
(ix) To make periodic reports correctly and in time.
(x) To be properly informed when conferring with parents and others about pupils.
3. To help the Pupil
(i) To receive fair consideration in his classification.
(ii) To do his best in making a good record.
(iii) To make a progress in accordance with his ability.
(iv) To secure development of his natural capabilities.
(v) To secure transfer of correct information to other schools when desired.
(vi) To receive proper adjustment and guidance.
Types of School records
School records and registers can be broadly classified under the following heads :
1. General Records : (i) School Calendar, (ii) Log Book, (iii) Visitors’ Book, (iv) Service Registers,
(v) Admission and Withdrawal Register, (vi) Transfer Certificate Book, (vii) General Order
2. Financial Records : (i) Acquittance Roll, (ii) Contingency, (iii) Contingent Order Book, (iv)
Free Collection Register, (v) Abstract Register of Fees, (vi) Bill Register, (vii) Register of
Donations, (iii) Register of Scholarships, (ix) Boys’ Fund Register.
3. Educational Records : (i) Pupils Attendance Register, (ii) ‘Teachers’ Attendance Register, (iii)
Class Time-Table, (iv) General Time-table, (v) Teacher’s Monthly Programme of Work, (vi)
Monthly Progress Register, (vii) Terminal Examination Result Register, (viii) Headmaster’s
Supervision Register, (ix) Private Tuitions Register, (xi) Cumulative Records.
4. Equipment Records : (i) Stock Book of Furniture and School Applicance, (ii) Library Catalogue,
(iii) Accession Register, (iv) Issue Books, Register of Newspapers and Magzines received, (v)
Stock and Issue Register of Sports Material.