P. 40
Educational Management
Notes (i) There should be as far as possible single desks with slight slope towards the seat.
(ii) The seat should be supported by a back.
(iii) The maximum length of the desk should be twelve feet.
(iv) The desks should be suited to the size of the students.
(v) The desks should not be arranged more than six-rows deep.
(vi) 18 of space should be provided to each pupil.
(vii) There should be sufficient space between the row of desks as well as between desks and
walls so as have free movement.
The class-room should have not only space for good study but adequate space for using maps,
charts, pictures, specimens, models, exhibits, reference books, tools, craft materials, experiment
apparatus and the like. Every instructional room should provide a healthful living and working
environment for pupils and teachers.
Special Rooms
1. Library and Reading Room : Library is the hub of the academic life of a school. With the new
techniques of teaching, library should be the centre of the school educational programme. When
resources permit, reading room should be separate from the library hall, otherwise the square
hall preferably 24 × 80 sq. ft. can serve both the needs. The secondary school library should be
easily accessible to all class-rooms and near those departments that use it most, but remote
from centres of noisy activities, such as the street or athletic field.
2. Assembly Hall : The hall can be used as a multi-purpose room, as an auditorium with a
combination of functions such as gymnaiusm and refreshment room, or as the audio-visual
room. Its size will be determined by the local needs, but the hall should have a suitable stage of
not less than 20 by 30 feet with green rooms and other equipment and furnishings. It should be
located on the ground floor and possibly in a wing isolated from the quieter areas to ensure
safety of crowds, easy access for both pupils and the public, reduced sound interference and
accessibility to parking.
3. Medical Examination Room : Every secondary school should have a room set aside for medical
and dental services, equipped with running water and electric power outlets.
4. The Office Room : To serve as a good co-ordinating centre for the school. The office room
should be centrally located. It should be easily accessible to visitors, teachers and pupils. A
good office in a large secondary school requires four things :
(i) A room for the Headmaster :
(ii) A waiting room for the visitors :
(iii) An office room for the clerk, and
(iv) A store room with shelves and wall cupboards for office and educational files.
Alternatively a part of the Headmaster’s room may be used for receiving visitors while office
and educational files may be stored in wall cupboards in the clerk’s room.
The school office should be equipped with modern equipment. It should have timesaving devices
as the type-writer, duplicating machine, desk calendar and rubber stamps, clock for the bell
system storage space for instruction and office supplies. They must be telephone, book-keeping
machine, sorting equipment and computing machines etc. A fire proof vault or safe is a ‘must’
in every office for the safe keeping of cash and confidential records.
5. Staff Room : A room should be made available to teachers where they can meet each other,
may work together or individually. It should have cupboards in the walls or lockers may be
there where the teachers may keep their things.