P. 292

Real Analysis

                    Notes          23.4 Keywords

                                   Differentiation of Integrals: In mathematics, the problem of differentiation of integrals is that of
                                   determining under what circumstances the mean value integral of a suitable function on a small
                                   neighbourhood of a point approximates the value of the function at that point.
                                   Borel measures on R : The result for Lebesgue measure turns out to be a special case of  the
                                   following result, which is based on the Besicovitch covering theorem: if   is any locally finite
                                   Borel measure on R  and f : R   R is locally integrable with respect to , then
                                                            lim       ò  f(y)d (y) =  f(x)
                                                            r 0 (B (x))  r B (x)
                                   for -almost all points x  R .
                                   23.5 Review Questions

                                   1.  Explain Differentiation of Integrals with the help of example.

                                   2.  Discuss the Theorems on the differentiation of integrals.

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  1910                              2.   Lebesgue measure
                                   3.  differentiation of integrals      4.   Gaussian measure 

                                   23.6 Further Readings

                                   Books       Walter Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd edition), Ch. 2, Ch. 3.
                                               (3.1-3.12), Ch. 6 (6.1 - 6.22), Ch.7(7.1 - 7.27), Ch. 8 (8.1- 8.5, 8.17 - 8.22).
                                               G.F. Simmons: Introduction  to Topology  and Modern  Analysis, Ch.  2(9-13),
                                               Appendix 1, p. 337-338.
                                               Shanti Narayan: A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 4.81-4.86, 9.1-9.9, Ch.10,Ch.14,
                                               Ch.15(15.2, 15.3, 15.4)

                                               T.M. Apostol: Mathematical Analysis, (2nd Edition) 7.30 and 7.31.
                                               S.C. Malik: Mathematical Analysis.
                                               H.L. Royden: Real Analysis, Ch. 3, 4.

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